raviriley / agency-jekyll-theme

Jekyll version of the newest Agency Bootstrap theme, plus new features: Google Analytics, Markdown support, custom pages, and more!
MIT License
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Page Title #81

Open lavanquan opened 5 months ago

lavanquan commented 5 months ago

Hi, I love this theme, but I cannot change the title homepage. It remains your awesome webpage after I change to my name in _config.yml file.

In addition, I want to add favicon.ico to my webpage. How can I add this?

Can you help me to fix this?

gopz commented 3 months ago

To get the new title to catch did you restart the Jekyll server? Maybe give this a whirl if you tried restarting and it didn't work: rm -rf .jekyll-cache/*

To add a favicon just add the favicon you want to your assets/ directory and set it in the head.html like so:

<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/<name_of_favicon_file">