rawan0-0 / coursework-planner21

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[TECH ED] Learn about the terminal #34

Open rawan0-0 opened 1 year ago

rawan0-0 commented 1 year ago

From Module-JS1 created by Dedekind561: CodeYourFuture/Module-JS1#15

Link to the coursework


Why are we doing this?

Most developers spend a lot of time using something called the terminal. This week, you are going to complete your course to learn about the terminal - it has its own homework page here for you to work from.

Maximum time in hours


How to get help

Share your blockers in your class channel https://syllabus.codeyourfuture.io/guides/asking-questions

How to submit

Fork the repo to your own GitHub account Make regular small commits with clear messages When you are ready, open a Pull Request to the CYF repo Make sure you fill in the PR template provided