rawdog71 / Clownfish

Smart Content Management System using Spring Boot
Apache License 2.0
17 stars 7 forks source link

Clownfish Installer #84

Open rawdog71 opened 1 year ago

rawdog71 commented 1 year ago



Build a ZIP with clownfish-latest.war application.properties bootstrap*.properties c3p0.properties sql-bootstrap.sql sql-bootstrap*.sql


The installer should download the ZIP file. Extract the zip to the current folder. Make all folders for the properties (#foldercache#, ...) [mkdir] Ask for usage of WEBDAV, WEBSOCKET, WEBSOCKETPORT (default 9001) Set the values in the application.properties [sed] Set the folders in the sql-bootstrap*.sql files [sed]

The first login of admin user with default password must lead to question for new password!

// application.properties webdav.use=1 websocket.use=1 websocket.port=9001

// sql-bootstrap.sql INSERT INTO cf_property (hashkey, value, nodelete) VALUES ('html_compression', 'on', 1), ('html_gzip', 'on', 1), ('mail_password', '', 1), ('mail_sendfrom', '', 1), ('mail_smtp_host', '', 1), ('mail_transport_protocol', 'smtp', 1), ('mail_user', '', 1), ('folder_cache', '#foldercache#', 1), ('folder_media', '#foldermedia#', 1), ('folder_static', '#folderstatic#', 1), ('folder_index', '#folderindex#', 1), ('folder_icon', '#foldericon#', 1), ('folder_pdf', '#folderpdf#', 1), ('folder_attachments', '#folderattachments#', 1), ('job_support', 'true', 1), ('lucene_searchlimit', '25', 1), ('response_characterencoding', 'UTF-8', 1), ('response_contenttype', 'text/html', 1), ('response_locale', 'de', 1), ('sap_support', 'false', 1), ('site_error', 'error', 1), ('site_root', 'root', 1), ('site_search', 'searchresult', 1), ('info_assetmetadata', 'true', 1);