rawpython / remi

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GenericDialog confirm by Enter key pressing #517

Open dovydasz opened 1 year ago

dovydasz commented 1 year ago

Can I call GenericDialog confirm function by pressing Enter key? Like we can do with InputDialog.

Thanks in advance!

dddomodossola commented 1 year ago

Hello @dovydasz ,

Here is an example for you:

import remi.gui as gui
from remi import start, App

class MyApp(App):
    def main(self):
        # creating a container VBox type, vertical (you can use also HBox or Widget)
        self.main_container = gui.VBox(width=300, height=200, style={'margin': '0px auto'})
        bt = gui.Button("Open dialog")
        # returning the root widget
        return self.main_container

    def on_bt_clicked(self, emitter): #show dialog and focus confirm_button
        self.dialog = gui.GenericDialog(title='Dialog Box', message='Ok button is focused, you can type Enter.', width='500px')

    def dialog_confirm(self, emitter):
        print("dialog confirmed")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # starts the webserver
    start(MyApp, address='', port=0, start_browser=True)

In this example, after showing the dialog we trigger the focus on the confirm_button.

Kind Regards ;-)