ray-cast / ray-mmd

🎨 The project is designed to create a physically-based rendering at mikumikudance.
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Fix invalid shadow_very_high presets #131

Closed guansss closed 2 years ago

guansss commented 2 years ago

This PR fixes a typo in conditions checking the value of SHADOW_MAP_QUALITY, which causes shadow_very_high.fx to have the same effect as shadow_high.fx.

Also fixes an issue where tube light's very_high.fx has the same SHADOW_MAP_QUALITY value as high.fx, as well as renaming those files.

Before: (using spot_lighting_with_shadow_very_high.fx, but got the same effect as spot_lighting_with_shadow_high.fx) screenshot shadow

After: screenshot shadow1

Besides, I noticed another inconsistency regarding fog shadows, where quality variable is named VOLUMETRIC_FOG_MAP_QUALITY in shadow presets (such as spot_fog_with_shadow_high.fx), but named VOLUMETRIC_FOG_QUALITY in files that reference it (such as spot_fog.fxsub). I wasn't sure if this is expected, so just left them untouched.

Btw, looks like this project has got some development activities recently, I'm glad to see that!