ray-lothian / Block-Site

A browser extension to block website access using hostname matching
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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unblock keeps redirecting to restricted access page. #132

Closed Frostleban closed 3 months ago

Frostleban commented 3 months ago

It stopped since the last update. Filling in the password no longer unblocks websites, it refreshes, then redirects to the 'restricted access' page. It does NOT give the 'wrong password' pop-up when I fill in the correct password, it simply doesn't work.

Filling in an incorrect password does give the pop-up as expected.

FF version 126.0.1 (64-bits) Block site latest update May 27th 2024

ray-lothian commented 3 months ago

I am not able to reproduce this. Have you tried restarting your browser?

Frostleban commented 3 months ago

Jup. Restarting browser, restarting PC, getting to latest update, tried a bunch of things. I'll see if I can get some more data today.

ray-lothian commented 3 months ago

Also you can try the extension on a clean profile to make sure it is not a conflict with other extensions;


Frostleban commented 3 months ago

I've disabled other extensions. Still does not work. Retrying the password gave me something weird though: it gives a 'blocked since' time. And that time is jumping around. it says it's blocked since a few minutes, but when i re-input the master password it gives a new time. All the times are from the future as wel. Like 30-5-2024 00:08:18 While it's 00:05 here.

I've added a new site to the blocklist, there it only blocks the first time. Re-inputting the password a few times does eventually give me access.

Frostleban commented 3 months ago

some more things: I deleted and re-added the rules: still doesn't work. funny thing is: even when I pause the blocking temporarily, it still keeps blocking reddit. I added another site to the list, and there it actually does pause the blocking. I think something broke my browser lol.

hitrzajc commented 3 months ago

even when I pause the blocking temporarily, it still keeps blocking

same with me. My theory is, if you first click on the resume blocking and then on pause blocking, it breaks

awilson8487 commented 3 months ago

I am having the same issues. I created a new profile on Firefox 126.0.1 (64-bit) and installed Block Site and set the redirect to Wikipedia and blocked YouTube. The redirect worked till I paused blocking for 5 minutes, And now it keeps pulling up "Restricted Access" page instead of the redirected Wikipedia page and does not unblock the content. My issues also started occurring a few days ago.

Frostleban commented 3 months ago

Didn't know about the redirect option, but that is indeed also not working on my end. Also set a redirect page, but it only refreshes/redirects to the same restricted access page in stead of the target page.

Frostleban commented 3 months ago

Update because something has changed. Redirect now works. If i type in a blocked website, it instantly redirects to the new URL. Only problem is if I click pause blocking, it now redirects to the Restricted Access page in stead of allowing the original page.

falkanson commented 3 months ago

I have the same issue, when pressing the temporary unblock button in the context menu the website isn't unblocked

ray-lothian commented 3 months ago

It seems like there's a problem with the declarativeNetRequest implementation on Firefox. This issue should be resolved in the release.