ray-lothian / UserAgent-Switcher

A User-Agent spoofer browser extension that is highly configurable
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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[SOLVED; misconfiguration due to misintepretation of example settings] Add warning for those using [Test UA] option asking users to not reload the page too frequently (Cloudflare BANNED my MS Edge from accessing any website that uses their service, including yours) #128

Closed kbhasi closed 3 years ago

kbhasi commented 3 years ago

EDIT: This issue was caused by user error. See the comment posted after this for more information.

I'm using the extension in Edge, I used the "Test UA" feature as I was setting up a custom list and had to make sure my domain lists work.

However, since the script lacked a "reset" button of any kind, I ended up reloading the website to the point where it seemed as though the owner of the website had banned my Edge installation (due to Cloudflare's wording), but it turned out that it's an automated block based on Cloudflare's own default settings )based on what I've seen here, and every website using their service (including your website for this extensionm as well as Cloudflare's website) has banned it too, which wouldn't be possible if the actual owner had banned me. This automatic ban has invoked the same feelings of loss and depression that I had when my old NAS died and I almost lost years of personal data in the process.

Cloudflare support reqieres an account in order to be able to contact them. but I don't have one and they'd expect requests from site owners rather than visitors.

The error page: (again, it shows up on ANY website that uses Cloudflare with its default settings) Capture 000013-Access denied

As such, I hope the user agent tester can be copied to your website and your Cloudflare settings set to not ban based on Web browser fingerprint, or at least add a dialogue option (with a "Don't show this message again" option) warning users to not reload the page too frequently or too many times.


While I primarily use Pale Moon, Firefox, and Vivaldi, I have to use Edge for PWAs because Mozilla based Web browsers (like the former and median) currently lack PWA support, and the latter currently has experimental PWA support that doesn't work for me. I use this extension on any Web browser using the stock UI of Chromium, including Chrome, Edge, and Brave, because I hate that UI's lack of customisation options, something that Pale Moon and Vivaldi both have, and Firefox has to a certain extent.

There's a silver lining to this that most users experiencing this theoretically don't, which is that I use Edge only for PWAs (and some Microsoft websites sometimes), and all of the websites that host those web apps don't use Cloudflare!

Where your extension comes into play in this is that I use it to make Edge identify itself as Edge (using a static string as I don't know how to make it just give its original string) to Microsoft websites, Google Chrome to Google websites (except Google Analytics, if I knew how to set up the list to add subdomain exclusions), and Pale Moon's "Firefox Compatibility" (its default) UA string mode to all other websites, to help with their analytics.

kbhasi commented 3 years ago

UPDATE: I found the mistake when using the browser fingerprinting tool on aruljohn.com, and found lots of incorrect info, Fortunately, that site doesn't have Cloudflare protection, so I was able to access it! I forgotten about that website until today.

It turns out that useragent-for-all-hostnames provided in the example configuration for the custom mode is NOT a placeholder like I initially thought! I'm glad I held myself from posting this all online and kept it here.

I'm more familar with Python notation than JSON, and thus didn't realise that JSON doesn't actually support comments! The way to leave comments in JSON seems to be to create additional variables. Oh my.

I removed the following example code from my custom configuration and that fixed the issue. I was able to load Cloudflare's website, your website, and the "Test UA" website!

 "*": "useragent-for-all-hostnames",

However, I don't know if there's a way to provide a specific UA string to all websites on a domain and its subdomains, but not to some subdomains (for example. identify as Chrome to all Google websites except Google Analytics).

I'll try to see if I can file a separate issue report for a feature suggestion, in which I'd want to be able to set custom settings that would auto-fill with the UA string I select in the extension menu.