ray-pH / Nabla-TypeMath-android

Nabla TypeMath is an android application that allow you to easily type mathematical symbols.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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support for mchem? #10

Open CharlesAnifowose opened 7 months ago

CharlesAnifowose commented 7 months ago

I do a lot of work with chemical structures and reactions, and was wondering if it would be possible to extend the app's capabilities to support some basic mchem LaTeX commands for typesetting chemical formulas and structures.

The mchem package provides commands like \ce{H2O} to produce H2O, \ch{CO2} for CO2, etc. It would be great if Nabla TypeMath could recognize these commands and convert them to the appropriate chemical structure Unicode characters.

Some other common mchem commands that would be useful to support include:

-\ce{ } for chemical entities -\ch{ } for chemical formulas -\chemfig{ } for drawing structural diagrams

Adding these would allow easy input of chemical notation directly from the Android keyboard, without needing separate drawing/structure apps.

Do you have any advice on how to go about integrating mchem command recognition and conversion into Nabla TypeMath? Is this something that could be added in a future update? Or is the codebase open source where community contributions might be accepted?

ray-pH commented 7 months ago

The codebase is open-source and community contribution is greatly appreciated,

I'm not sure there's any good way to implement \chemfig{} since what the app currently does is convert special keywords/expressions into unicode symbols, and the app can't just draw images. (*list of Unicode symbols)

For now, i'm not sure if implementing \ce{} and \ch{} is necessary, maybe because i'm not familiar with what it does. Is it really better to write something like \ce{H2SO4} rather than H_2SO_4?