New Copy and Code for section on "Reinforcement Learning on Ray AIR" which includes the following major changes:
Introduction and Brief Primer on Reinforcement Learning
Better Introduction to RLlib with key features and benefits
gif of CartPole environment and description of problem statement
1(a) Importing Relevant Packages: description, cleaned up and organized imports
1(b) Define a Training Function: removed Tuner, simplified code to essentials, description for what an RLTrainer does and how it connects to the other components of Ray AIR
1(c) Define an Evaluation Function: walkthrough of evaluation in RL, described termination states, discussed online evaluation, simplified code for evaluation
1(d) Online Reinforcement Learning: minimal changes for the final training, evaluation, and rewards
Added Coding Exercise: asks learner to incorporate Ray Tune into the initial training loop to extend knowledge of Ray AIR to RLlib to give it a more e2e feel.
New Copy and Code for section on "Reinforcement Learning on Ray AIR" which includes the following major changes: