ray-project / ray

Ray is an AI compute engine. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a set of AI Libraries for accelerating ML workloads.
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Change prefect to use Ray exectuor, it will be awesome. #13327

Closed ggservice007 closed 3 years ago

ggservice007 commented 3 years ago

Ray is great. Prefect is also great. Combining them is double awesome.


The easiest way to automate your data.

Prefect is the new standard in dataflow automation, trusted to build, run, and monitor millions of data workflows and pipelines.

Prefect workflows are designed to be run at any time, for any reason, with any concurrency. Running a workflow on a schedule is a special case.




But Prefect is based on Dask executors

Change Dask to Ray executor, any idea?


amogkam commented 3 years ago

Hey @ggservice007 thanks for bring this up! We’ve had discussions about this in the past and completely agree it would be awesome to add a RayExecutor for Prefect.

Are you planning to take a stab at the implementation? If so, we’d be more than happy to provide any guidance/help from the Ray side :)

cc @richardliaw @clarkzinzow

ggservice007 commented 3 years ago

Let's make it together.

I have create a branch for Prefect project.



ggservice007 commented 3 years ago

Base exectuor:



from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterator

from prefect.utilities.logging import get_logger

class Executor:
    Base Executor class that all other executors inherit from.

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.logger = get_logger(type(self).__name__)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "<Executor: {}>".format(type(self).__name__)

    def start(self) -> Iterator[None]:
        Context manager for initializing execution.

        Any initialization this executor needs to perform should be done in this
        context manager, and torn down after yielding.

    def submit(
        self, fn: Callable, *args: Any, extra_context: dict = None, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Any:
        Submit a function to the executor for execution. Returns a future-like object.

            - fn (Callable): function that is being submitted for execution
            - *args (Any): arguments to be passed to `fn`
            - extra_context (dict, optional): an optional dictionary with extra information
                about the submitted task
            - **kwargs (Any): keyword arguments to be passed to `fn`

            - Any: a future-like object
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def wait(self, futures: Any) -> Any:
        Resolves futures to their values. Blocks until the future is complete.

            - futures (Any): iterable of futures to compute

            - Any: an iterable of resolved futures
        raise NotImplementedError()



import asyncio
import logging
import uuid
import sys
import weakref
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterator, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Optional

from prefect import context
from prefect.executors.base import Executor
from prefect.utilities.importtools import import_object

    import dask
    from distributed import Future, Event
    import multiprocessing.pool
    import concurrent.futures

__any__ = ("DaskExecutor", "LocalDaskExecutor")

def _make_task_key(
    task_name: str = "", task_index: int = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> Optional[str]:
    """A helper for generating a dask task key from fields set in `extra_context`"""
    if task_name:
        suffix = uuid.uuid4().hex
        if task_index is not None:
            return f"{task_name}-{task_index}-{suffix}"
        return f"{task_name}-{suffix}"
    return None

def _maybe_run(event_name: str, fn: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
    """Check if the task should run against a `distributed.Event` before
    starting the task. This offers stronger guarantees than distributed's
    current cancellation mechanism, which only cancels pending tasks."""
    import dask
    from distributed import Event, get_client

        # Explicitly pass in the timeout from dask's config. Some versions of
        # distributed hardcode this rather than using the value from the
        # config.  Can be removed once we bump our min requirements for
        # distributed to >= 2.31.0.
        timeout = dask.config.get("distributed.comm.timeouts.connect")
        event = Event(event_name, client=get_client(timeout=timeout))
        should_run = event.is_set()
    except Exception:
        # Failure to create an event is usually due to connection errors. These
        # are either due to flaky behavior in distributed's comms under high
        # loads, or due to the scheduler shutting down. Either way, the safest
        # course here is to assume we *should* run the task still. If we guess
        # wrong, we're either doing a bit of unnecessary work, or the cluster
        # is shutting down and the task will be cancelled anyway.
        should_run = True

    if should_run:
        return fn(*args, **kwargs)

class DaskExecutor(Executor):
    An executor that runs all functions using the `dask.distributed` scheduler.

    By default a temporary `distributed.LocalCluster` is created (and
    subsequently torn down) within the `start()` contextmanager. To use a
    different cluster class (e.g.
    [`dask_kubernetes.KubeCluster`](https://kubernetes.dask.org/)), you can
    specify `cluster_class`/`cluster_kwargs`.

    Alternatively, if you already have a dask cluster running, you can provide
    the address of the scheduler via the `address` kwarg.

    Note that if you have tasks with tags of the form `"dask-resource:KEY=NUM"`
    they will be parsed and passed as
    [Worker Resources](https://distributed.dask.org/en/latest/resources.html)
    of the form `{"KEY": float(NUM)}` to the Dask Scheduler.

        - address (string, optional): address of a currently running dask
            scheduler; if one is not provided, a temporary cluster will be
            created in `executor.start()`.  Defaults to `None`.
        - cluster_class (string or callable, optional): the cluster class to use
            when creating a temporary dask cluster. Can be either the full
            class name (e.g. `"distributed.LocalCluster"`), or the class itself.
        - cluster_kwargs (dict, optional): addtional kwargs to pass to the
           `cluster_class` when creating a temporary dask cluster.
        - adapt_kwargs (dict, optional): additional kwargs to pass to `cluster.adapt`
            when creating a temporary dask cluster. Note that adaptive scaling
            is only enabled if `adapt_kwargs` are provided.
        - client_kwargs (dict, optional): additional kwargs to use when creating a
        - debug (bool, optional): When running with a local cluster, setting
            `debug=True` will increase dask's logging level, providing
            potentially useful debug info. Defaults to the `debug` value in
            your Prefect configuration.

    Using a temporary local dask cluster:

    executor = DaskExecutor()
Using a temporary cluster running elsewhere. Any Dask cluster class should
work, here we use [dask-cloudprovider](https://cloudprovider.dask.org):

executor = DaskExecutor(
        "image": "prefecthq/prefect:latest",
        "n_workers": 5,

Connecting to an existing dask cluster

executor = DaskExecutor(address="")

def __init__(
    address: str = None,
    cluster_class: Union[str, Callable] = None,
    cluster_kwargs: dict = None,
    adapt_kwargs: dict = None,
    client_kwargs: dict = None,
    debug: bool = None,
    if address is None:
        address = context.config.engine.executor.dask.address or None

    if address is not None:
        if cluster_class is not None or cluster_kwargs is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot specify `address` and `cluster_class`/`cluster_kwargs`"
        if cluster_class is None:
            cluster_class = context.config.engine.executor.dask.cluster_class
        if isinstance(cluster_class, str):
            cluster_class = import_object(cluster_class)
        if cluster_kwargs is None:
            cluster_kwargs = {}
            cluster_kwargs = cluster_kwargs.copy()

        from distributed.deploy.local import LocalCluster

        if cluster_class == LocalCluster:
            if debug is None:
                debug = context.config.debug
                "silence_logs", logging.CRITICAL if not debug else logging.WARNING

        if adapt_kwargs is None:
            adapt_kwargs = {}

    if client_kwargs is None:
        client_kwargs = {}
        client_kwargs = client_kwargs.copy()
    client_kwargs.setdefault("set_as_default", False)

    self.address = address
    self.cluster_class = cluster_class
    self.cluster_kwargs = cluster_kwargs
    self.adapt_kwargs = adapt_kwargs
    self.client_kwargs = client_kwargs
    # Runtime attributes
    self.client = None
    # These are coupled - they're either both None, or both non-None.
    # They're used in the case we can't forcibly kill all the dask workers,
    # and need to wait for all the dask tasks to cleanup before exiting.
    self._futures = None  # type: Optional[weakref.WeakSet[Future]]
    self._should_run_event = None  # type: Optional[Event]
    # A ref to a background task subscribing to dask cluster events
    self._watch_dask_events_task = None  # type: Optional[concurrent.futures.Future]


def start(self) -> Iterator[None]:
    Context manager for initializing execution.

    Creates a `dask.distributed.Client` and yields it.
    if sys.platform != "win32":
        # Fix for https://github.com/dask/distributed/issues/4168
        import multiprocessing.popen_spawn_posix  # noqa
    from distributed import Client

        if self.address is not None:
            with Client(self.address, **self.client_kwargs) as client:
                self.client = client
            with self.cluster_class(**self.cluster_kwargs) as cluster:  # type: ignore
                if self.adapt_kwargs:
                with Client(cluster, **self.client_kwargs) as client:
                    self.client = client
        self.client = None

async def _watch_dask_events(self) -> None:
    scheduler_comm = None
    comm = None
    from distributed.core import rpc

        scheduler_comm = rpc(
            self.client.scheduler.address,  # type: ignore
            connection_args=self.client.security.get_connection_args("client"),  # type: ignore
        # due to a bug in distributed's inproc comms, letting cancellation
        # bubble up here will kill the listener. wrap with a shield to
        # prevent that.
        comm = await asyncio.shield(scheduler_comm.live_comm())
        await comm.write({"op": "subscribe_worker_status"})
        _ = await comm.read()
        while True:
                msgs = await comm.read()
            except OSError:
            for op, msg in msgs:
                if op == "add":
                    for worker in msg.get("workers", ()):
                        self.logger.debug("Worker %s added", worker)
                elif op == "remove":
                    self.logger.debug("Worker %s removed", msg)
    except asyncio.CancelledError:
    except Exception:
            "Failure while watching dask worker events", exc_info=True
        if comm is not None:
                await comm.close()
            except Exception:
        if scheduler_comm is not None:

def _pre_start_yield(self) -> None:
    from distributed import Event

    is_inproc = self.client.scheduler.address.startswith("inproc")  # type: ignore
    if self.address is not None or is_inproc:
        self._futures = weakref.WeakSet()
        self._should_run_event = Event(
            f"prefect-{uuid.uuid4().hex}", client=self.client

    self._watch_dask_events_task = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(
        self._watch_dask_events(), self.client.loop.asyncio_loop  # type: ignore

def _post_start_yield(self) -> None:
    from distributed import wait

    if self._watch_dask_events_task is not None:
        except Exception:
        self._watch_dask_events_task = None

    if self._should_run_event is not None:
        # Multipart cleanup, ignoring exceptions in each stage
        # 1.) Stop pending tasks from starting
        except Exception:
        # 2.) Wait for all running tasks to complete
            futures = [f for f in list(self._futures) if not f.done()]  # type: ignore
            if futures:
                    "Stopping executor, waiting for %d active tasks to complete",
        except Exception:
    self._should_run_event = None
    self._futures = None

def _prep_dask_kwargs(self, extra_context: dict = None) -> dict:
    if extra_context is None:
        extra_context = {}

    dask_kwargs = {"pure": False}  # type: dict

    # set a key for the dask scheduler UI
    key = _make_task_key(**extra_context)
    if key is not None:
        dask_kwargs["key"] = key

    # infer from context if dask resources are being utilized
    task_tags = extra_context.get("task_tags", [])
    dask_resource_tags = [
        tag for tag in task_tags if tag.lower().startswith("dask-resource")
    if dask_resource_tags:
        resources = {}
        for tag in dask_resource_tags:
            prefix, val = tag.split("=")
            resources.update({prefix.split(":")[1]: float(val)})

    return dask_kwargs

def __getstate__(self) -> dict:
    state = self.__dict__.copy()
            k: None
            for k in [
    return state

def __setstate__(self, state: dict) -> None:

def submit(
    self, fn: Callable, *args: Any, extra_context: dict = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> "Future":
    Submit a function to the executor for execution. Returns a Future object.

        - fn (Callable): function that is being submitted for execution
        - *args (Any): arguments to be passed to `fn`
        - extra_context (dict, optional): an optional dictionary with extra information
            about the submitted task
        - **kwargs (Any): keyword arguments to be passed to `fn`

        - Future: a Future-like object that represents the computation of `fn(*args, **kwargs)`
    if self.client is None:
        raise ValueError("This executor has not been started.")

    if self._should_run_event is None:
        fut = self.client.submit(fn, *args, **kwargs)
        fut = self.client.submit(
            _maybe_run, self._should_run_event.name, fn, *args, **kwargs
    return fut

def wait(self, futures: Any) -> Any:
    Resolves the Future objects to their values. Blocks until the computation is complete.

        - futures (Any): single or iterable of future-like objects to compute

        - Any: an iterable of resolved futures with similar shape to the input
    if self.client is None:
        raise ValueError("This executor has not been started.")

    return self.client.gather(futures)

class LocalDaskExecutor(Executor): """ An executor that runs all functions locally using dask and a configurable dask scheduler.

    - scheduler (str): The local dask scheduler to use; common options are
        "threads", "processes", and "synchronous".  Defaults to "threads".
    - **kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments to pass to dask config

def __init__(self, scheduler: str = "threads", **kwargs: Any):
    self.scheduler = self._normalize_scheduler(scheduler)
    self.dask_config = kwargs
    self._pool = None  # type: Optional[multiprocessing.pool.Pool]

def _normalize_scheduler(scheduler: str) -> str:
    scheduler = scheduler.lower()
    if scheduler in ("threads", "threading"):
        return "threads"
    elif scheduler in ("processes", "multiprocessing"):
        return "processes"
    elif scheduler in ("sync", "synchronous", "single-threaded"):
        return "synchronous"
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown scheduler {scheduler!r}")

def __getstate__(self) -> dict:
    state = self.__dict__.copy()
    state["_pool"] = None
    return state

def __setstate__(self, state: dict) -> None:

def _interrupt_pool(self) -> None:
    """Interrupt all tasks in the backing `pool`, if any."""
    if self.scheduler == "threads" and self._pool is not None:
        # `ThreadPool.terminate()` doesn't stop running tasks, only
        # prevents new tasks from running. In CPython we can attempt to
        # raise an exception in all threads. This exception will be raised
        # the next time the task does something with the Python api.
        # However, if the task is currently blocked in a c extension, it
        # will not immediately be interrupted. There isn't a good way
        # around this unfortunately.
        import platform

        if platform.python_implementation() != "CPython":
                "Interrupting a running threadpool is only supported in CPython, "
                "all currently running tasks will continue to completion"

        self.logger.info("Attempting to interrupt and cancel all running tasks...")

        import sys
        import ctypes

        # signature of this method changed in python 3.7
        if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
            id_type = ctypes.c_ulong
            id_type = ctypes.c_long

        for t in self._pool._pool:  # type: ignore
                id_type(t.ident), ctypes.py_object(KeyboardInterrupt)

def start(self) -> Iterator:
    """Context manager for initializing execution."""
    # import dask here to reduce prefect import times
    import dask.config
    from dask.callbacks import Callback
    from dask.system import CPU_COUNT

    class PrefectCallback(Callback):
        def __init__(self):  # type: ignore
            self.cache = {}

        def _start(self, dsk):  # type: ignore
            overlap = set(dsk) & set(self.cache)
            for key in overlap:
                dsk[key] = self.cache[key]

        def _posttask(self, key, value, dsk, state, id):  # type: ignore
            self.cache[key] = value

    with PrefectCallback(), dask.config.set(**self.dask_config):
        if self.scheduler == "synchronous":
            self._pool = None
            num_workers = dask.config.get("num_workers", None) or CPU_COUNT
            if self.scheduler == "threads":
                from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

                self._pool = ThreadPool(num_workers)
                from dask.multiprocessing import get_context

                context = get_context()
                self._pool = context.Pool(num_workers)
            exiting_early = False
        except BaseException:
            exiting_early = True
            if self._pool is not None:
                if exiting_early:
                self._pool = None

def submit(
    self, fn: Callable, *args: Any, extra_context: dict = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> "dask.delayed":
    Submit a function to the executor for execution. Returns a `dask.delayed` object.

        - fn (Callable): function that is being submitted for execution
        - *args (Any): arguments to be passed to `fn`
        - extra_context (dict, optional): an optional dictionary with extra
            information about the submitted task
        - **kwargs (Any): keyword arguments to be passed to `fn`

        - dask.delayed: a `dask.delayed` object that represents the
            computation of `fn(*args, **kwargs)`
    # import dask here to reduce prefect import times
    import dask

    extra_kwargs = {}
    key = _make_task_key(**(extra_context or {}))
    if key is not None:
        extra_kwargs["dask_key_name"] = key
    return dask.delayed(fn, pure=False)(*args, **kwargs, **extra_kwargs)

def wait(self, futures: Any) -> Any:
    Resolves a (potentially nested) collection of `dask.delayed` object to
    its values. Blocks until the computation is complete.

        - futures (Any): iterable of `dask.delayed` objects to compute

        - Any: an iterable of resolved futures
    # import dask here to reduce prefect import times
    import dask

    # dask's multiprocessing scheduler hardcodes task fusion in a way
    # that's not exposed via a `compute` kwarg. Until that's fixed, we
    # disable fusion globally for the multiprocessing scheduler only.
    # Since multiprocessing tasks execute in a remote process, this
    # shouldn't affect user code.
    if self.scheduler == "processes":
        config = {"optimization.fuse.active": False}
        config = {}

    with dask.config.set(config):
        return dask.compute(
            futures, scheduler=self.scheduler, pool=self._pool, optimize_graph=False
ggservice007 commented 3 years ago



import asyncio
import logging
import uuid
import sys
import weakref
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterator, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Optional

from prefect import context
from prefect.executors.base import Executor
from prefect.utilities.importtools import import_object

class RayExecutor(Executor):
    def __init__(

    def start(self) -> Iterator[None]:

    def wait(self, futures: Any) -> Any:

@amogkam @richardliaw any idea? any guideline? how to do?

ggservice007 commented 3 years ago


aced125 commented 3 years ago

This looks great.

RenaissanceEngineering commented 3 years ago

This would be very useful! any status updates?

ggservice007 commented 3 years ago

I am developing the my-happy-flow project which only support Ray.

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm a bot from the Ray team :)

To help human contributors to focus on more relevant issues, I will automatically add the stale label to issues that have had no activity for more than 4 months.

If there is no further activity in the 14 days, the issue will be closed!

You can always ask for help on our discussion forum or Ray's public slack channel.

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hi again! The issue will be closed because there has been no more activity in the 14 days since the last message.

Please feel free to reopen or open a new issue if you'd still like it to be addressed.

Again, you can always ask for help on our discussion forum or Ray's public slack channel.

Thanks again for opening the issue!

RaananHadar commented 2 years ago

Can we reopen this please? Its still relevant.

pni-mft commented 2 years ago

Can we reopen this please? Its still relevant.

I agree!

kvnkho commented 2 years ago

Hello, I just stumbled onto this issue and wanted to mention that Ray support has been added to Prefect 2.0. The docs can be found here