ray.exceptions.RaySystemError: System error: [WinError 1455] 页面文件太小,无法完成操作
After my testing, even if my current machine has sufficient memory and graphics memory, the initialization ray still reports an error WinError 1455 and wsl is not have this problem
I run code with https://github.com/chaihahaha/dl-template/blob/main/rl_ray_ppo.py
then i change gpuNeed
cpus = 16
gpuNeed = round(1/cpus, 3)
then it is error like up
I test when I cpus =8
Memory usage is only 20% GPU usage is 3%. I have installed two 32GB memory modules. When I changed the CPU to 16. There is no reason to report that I am low on memory. I can really increase virtual memory. However, the current situation is that I have sufficient memory and graphics memory, but an error is reported. And cannot run
code change from https://github.com/chaihahaha/dl-template/blob/main/rl_ray_ppo.py
I only change cpusnum gpuneed
then i changecpus=8 after 16
RuntimeError: [enforce fail at ..\c10\core\impl\alloc_cpu.cpp:72] data. DefaultCPUAllocator: not enough memory: you tried to allocate 32768 bytes.
and if pip install protobuf --upgrade
it has error
[libprotobuf ERROR external/com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/wire_format_lite.cc:581] String field 'ray.rpc.WorkerTableData.exit_detail' contains invalid UTF-8 data when parsing a protocol buffer. Use the 'bytes' type if you intend to send raw bytes.
Versions / Dependencies
Name: ray
Version: 2.3.0 also have same problem 2.3.1
windwos 11
torch 2.0
# 初始化worker
workers = [Worker.remote(params) for i in range(n_workers)]
avg_weight = ray.get(workers[0].get_weights.remote())
# 初始化持续调用worker的caller
worker_callers = [WorkerCaller.remote(worker) for worker in workers]
# 启动worker的caller,开始持续异步触发worker的rollout函数
for caller in worker_callers:
# 主循环
for i_episodes in range(n_episodes):
# 收集worker的权重,只要有一个未收集完就会阻塞在这里
weights_infos = ray.get([worker.get_weights_infos.remote() for worker in workers])
workers_weights, workers_reward = zip(*weights_infos)
# 计算平均权重
avg_weight = {k:sum([workers_weights[wid][k] for wid in range(n_workers)])/n_workers for k in avg_weight.keys()}
# 非阻塞异步地分发权重给每个worker
for worker in workers:
# 处理所有worker的log信息
avg_reward = sum(workers_reward)/n_workers
if name == 'main':
Issue Severity
Medium: It is a significant difficulty but I can work around it.
What happened + What you expected to happen
@ericl ray.exceptions.RaySystemError: System error: [WinError 1455] 页面文件太小,无法完成操作 "D:\my\env\python3.10.10\lib\site-packages\torch\lib\cufft64_10.dll
After my testing, even if my current machine has sufficient memory and graphics memory, the initialization ray still reports an error WinError 1455 and wsl is not have this problem I run code with https://github.com/chaihahaha/dl-template/blob/main/rl_ray_ppo.py then i change gpuNeed cpus = 16 gpuNeed = round(1/cpus, 3) @ray.remote(num_gpus=gpuNeed) then it is error like up I test when I cpus =8 Memory usage is only 20% GPU usage is 3%. I have installed two 32GB memory modules. When I changed the CPU to 16. There is no reason to report that I am low on memory. I can really increase virtual memory. However, the current situation is that I have sufficient memory and graphics memory, but an error is reported. And cannot run code change from https://github.com/chaihahaha/dl-template/blob/main/rl_ray_ppo.py I only change cpusnum gpuneed then i changecpus=8 after 16 RuntimeError: [enforce fail at ..\c10\core\impl\alloc_cpu.cpp:72] data. DefaultCPUAllocator: not enough memory: you tried to allocate 32768 bytes. and if pip install protobuf --upgrade it has error [libprotobuf ERROR external/com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/wire_format_lite.cc:581] String field 'ray.rpc.WorkerTableData.exit_detail' contains invalid UTF-8 data when parsing a protocol buffer. Use the 'bytes' type if you intend to send raw bytes.
Versions / Dependencies
Name: ray Version: 2.3.0 also have same problem 2.3.1 windwos 11 torch 2.0
Reproduction script
import ray import torch import torch.nn as nn import gym import numpy as np import time from multiprocessing import cpu_count cpus = 16 gpuNeed = round(1/cpus, 3) ray.init(num_gpus=1) print("ray init success cpus=",cpus,gpuNeed) class ActorModel(nn.Module): def init(self, ctx_size, d_obs, d_act, low, high): super().init() self.flatten = nn.Flatten() self.act = nn.LeakyReLU(0.01) self.sig = nn.Sigmoid() self.tanh = nn.Tanh() self.d1 = nn.Linear(ctx_size * d_obs, 128) self.ln1 = nn.LayerNorm(128) self.ln2 = nn.LayerNorm(128) self.d2 = nn.Linear(128, 128) self.dv = nn.Linear(128, 1) self.dloc = nn.Linear(128, d_act) self.dcov = nn.Linear(128, d_act) self.w = torch.tensor((high - low)/2) self.b = torch.tensor((high + low)/2)
class ReplayMemory: def init(self): self.clear() def add(self, obs, act, act_logprob, r, done, value): self.obs.append(obs) self.act.append(act) self.act_logprob.append(act_logprob) self.r.append(r) self.done.append(done) self.value.append(value) def clear(self): self.obs = [] self.act = [] self.act_logprob = [] self.r = [] self.done = [] self.value = [] def sample(self, ctx_size, batch_size): M = len(self.r) i = np.random.choice(range(ctx_size - 1, M), batch_size)
class Context: def init(self, ctx_size, d_obs, dtype): self.ctx_size = ctx_size self.d_obs = d_obs self.obs_ctx = [np.zeros(d_obs) for i in range(ctx_size)] self.dtype = dtype def add(self, obs): self.obs_ctx.append(obs) self.obs_ctx.pop(0) def get(self): return torch.tensor(np.stack(self.obs_ctx, 0), dtype=self.dtype).unsqueeze(0) def reset(self): self.obs_ctx = [np.zeros(self.d_obs) for i in range(self.ctx_size)]
def compute_advantages(rs, dones, values): gamma = 0.95 lambd = 0.95 advantages = [] returns = [] values = values + [values[-1]] adv = 0 for tt in range(len(rs)-1, -1, -1): m = 1 - int(dones[tt]) delta = rs[tt] + gamma values[tt+1] m - values[tt] adv = delta + gamma lambd m * adv R = adv + values[tt] advantages.append(adv) returns.append(R) advantages.reverse() returns.reverse() returns = torch.tensor(np.array(returns)) advantages = torch.tensor(np.array(advantages)) return returns, advantages
def ppo_loss(pred_act_dist, pred_value, acts, act_logprobs, returns, advantages): act_logprobs = act_logprobs.view(-1, 1) pred_value = pred_value.view(-1, 1) returns = returns.view(-1, 1) advantages = advantages.view(-1, 1) ratio = torch.exp(pred_act_dist.log_prob(acts) - act_logprobs) clipped_ratio = torch.clip(ratio, 1-0.2, 1+0.2)
g = torch.where(A>=0, (1+0.2)advantages, (1-0.2)advantages)
@ray.remote(num_gpus=gpuNeed) class Worker: def init(self, params):
self.n_batches = params['n_batches']
@ray.remote class WorkerCaller: def init(self, worker):
def run_parallel(): params = {'batch_size':64, 'ctx_size':8, 'lr':5e-4, 'n_episodes':99999999, 'n_workers':cpus, 'dtype':torch.float32 } n_episodes = params['n_episodes'] n_workers = params['n_workers']
if name == 'main': run_parallel() print("结束")
Issue Severity
Medium: It is a significant difficulty but I can work around it.