When feeding multiple tensors as input to an aDAG, the tensors do not get moved to GPU memory despite annotating with TorchTensor(). The same issue does not occur when only feeding one tensor to the aDAG.
Versions / Dependencies
Reproduction script
import ray
import torch
import ray.dag
from ray.experimental.channel.torch_tensor_type import TorchTensorType
class Actor:
def __init__(self) -> None:
def test(self, tensor: torch.Tensor):
return tensor.device
if __name__ == "__main__":
actor1, actor2 = Actor.remote(), Actor.remote()
with ray.dag.InputNode() as dag_input:
in1, in2 = dag_input[0], dag_input[1]
# Dag 1
in1 = in1.with_type_hint(TorchTensorType())
in1 = actor1.test.bind(in1)
# Dag 2
in2 = in2.with_type_hint(TorchTensorType())
in2 = actor2.test.bind(in2)
dag = ray.dag.MultiOutputNode([in1, in2])
adag = dag.experimental_compile()
output = ray.get(adag.execute(torch.randn(2, 16), torch.tensor(1.0)))
Issue Severity
Medium: It is a significant difficulty but I can work around it.
What happened + What you expected to happen
When feeding multiple tensors as input to an aDAG, the tensors do not get moved to GPU memory despite annotating with TorchTensor(). The same issue does not occur when only feeding one tensor to the aDAG.
Versions / Dependencies
Reproduction script
Issue Severity
Medium: It is a significant difficulty but I can work around it.