ray-project / ray

Ray is an AI compute engine. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a set of AI Libraries for accelerating ML workloads.
Apache License 2.0
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[rllib] maddpg, ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ray.rllib.agents.maddpg' #6476

Closed dragon28 closed 4 years ago

dragon28 commented 4 years ago

Hello Developers,

I am having issue with ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ray.rllib.agents.maddpg' when import ray.rllib.agents.maddpg.maddpg as maddpg.

I happened when I tried to run the python3 run_maddpg.py at cloned the following git repository https://github.com/wsjeon/maddpg-rllib

OS: Ubuntu 18.04 64-bits

uname -a
Linux WorkStation 5.0.0-37-generic #40~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Nov 14 12:06:39 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Python version:

python3 --version
Python 3.6.9

Tensorflow version: 1.14.0 (CPU)

Pytorch version: 1.2.0+cpu

pip3 list
Package                       Version             Location                                   
----------------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------
absl-py                       0.7.1               
alabaster                     0.7.12              
apache-beam                   2.16.0              
appdirs                       1.4.3               
apturl                        0.5.2               
argh                          0.26.2              
asn1crypto                    0.24.0              
astor                         0.8.0               
astroid                       2.2.5               
asyncio                       3.4.3               
atari-py                      0.2.6               
atomicwrites                  1.3.0               
attrs                         19.1.0              
autopep8                      1.4.4               
avro-python3                  1.9.0               
Babel                         2.6.0               
backcall                      0.1.0               
backports.csv                 1.0.7               
baselines                     0.1.6               
beautifulsoup4                4.7.1               
bintrees                      2.0.7               
bleach                        3.1.0               
blis                          0.2.4               
boto3                         1.9.240             
botocore                      1.12.240            
Box2D                         2.3.2               
Box2D-kengz                   2.3.3               
Brlapi                        0.6.6               
bs4                           0.0.1               
cachetools                    3.1.1               
certifi                       2018.1.18           
cffi                          1.12.3              
chardet                       3.0.4               
Click                         7.0                 
cloudpickle                   1.2.2               
colorama                      0.4.1               
colour                        0.1.5               
command-not-found             0.3                 
contextlib2                   0.5.5               
crcmod                        1.7                 
cryptography                  2.1.4               
cssselect                     1.0.3               
cupshelpers                   1.0                 
cycler                        0.10.0              
cymem                         2.0.2               
Cython                        0.29.10             
data                          0.4                 
dataclasses                   0.7                 
decorator                     4.4.0               
defer                         1.0.6               
defusedxml                    0.6.0               
devscripts                    2.17.12ubuntu1.1    
diff-match-patch              20181111            
dill                          0.3.0               
diskcache                     3.1.1               
distro-info                   0.18ubuntu0.18.04.1 
dlib                          19.17.99            
dm-sonnet                     1.34                
docopt                        0.6.2               
docutils                      0.14                
dopamine-rl                   2.0.5               /home/dragon/machine_learning/dopamine     
easydict                      1.9                 
editdistance                  0.5.3               
entrypoints                   0.3                 
enum34                        1.1.6               
et-xmlfile                    1.0.1               
fake-useragent                0.1.11              
fastavro                      0.21.24             
fasteners                     0.15                
filelock                      3.0.12              
findspark                     1.3.0               
flake8                        3.7.9               
flatbuffers                   1.10                
funcsigs                      1.0.2               
future                        0.17.1              
gast                          0.2.2               
gin-config                    0.1.4               
gitdb2                        2.0.5               
GitPython                     2.1.11              
glfw                          1.8.1               
glob2                         0.6                 
gluonts                       0.3.3               
google-api-core               1.13.0              
google-api-python-client      1.7.11              
google-apitools               0.5.28              
google-auth                   1.6.3               
google-auth-httplib2          0.0.3               
google-auth-oauthlib          0.4.1               
google-cloud-bigquery         1.6.1               
google-cloud-bigtable         0.32.2              
google-cloud-core             0.29.1              
google-cloud-datastore        1.7.4               
google-cloud-pubsub           0.39.1              
google-pasta                  0.1.7               
google-resumable-media        0.3.2               
googleapis-common-protos      1.6.0               
gpg                           1.10.0              
graphviz                      0.8.4               
grpc-google-iam-v1            0.11.4              
grpcio                        1.20.1              
gym                           0.15.3              
gym-ctc-executioner           0.0.1               
gym-ctc-marketmaker           0.0.1               
gym-test                      0.0.1               /home/dragon/reinforcementlearning/gym-test
h5py                          2.9.0               
handyspark                    0.2.2a1             
hdfs                          2.5.8               
helpdev                       0.6.10              
holidays                      0.9.11              
httplib2                      0.9.2               
icc-rt                        2019.0              
idna                          2.6                 
imageio                       2.5.0               
imagesize                     1.1.0               
importlib-metadata            0.17                
imutils                       0.5.3               
intel-openmp                  2019.0              
intervaltree                  3.0.2               
ipykernel                     5.1.3               
ipython                       7.5.0               
ipython-genutils              0.2.0               
ipywidgets                    7.4.2               
isort                         4.3.20              
jdcal                         1.4.1               
jedi                          0.14.1              
Jinja2                        2.10.1              
jmespath                      0.9.4               
joblib                        0.13.2              
jsonschema                    3.0.1               
jupyter                       1.0.0               
jupyter-client                5.3.4               
jupyter-console               6.0.0               
jupyter-core                  4.6.1               
Keras                         2.3.1               
Keras-Applications            1.0.8               
Keras-Preprocessing           1.0.9               
keras-rl                      0.4.2               
keyring                       10.6.0              
keyrings.alt                  3.0                 
kiwisolver                    1.1.0               
language-selector             0.1                 
latex                         0.7.0               
launchpadlib                  1.10.6              
lazr.restfulclient            0.13.5              
lazr.uri                      1.0.3               
lazy-object-proxy             1.4.1               
lockfile                      0.12.2              
louis                         3.5.0               
lxml                          4.3.3               
lz4                           2.2.1               
macaroonbakery                1.1.3               
maddpg                        0.0.1               
Mako                          1.0.7               
Markdown                      3.1.1               
MarkupSafe                    1.0                 
matplotlib                    3.1.0               
mccabe                        0.6.1               
meld                          3.18.0              
mistune                       0.8.4               
mkl                           2019.0              
mkl-fft                       1.0.6               
mock                          2.0.0               
monotonic                     1.5                 
more-itertools                7.0.0               
mpi4py                        3.1.0a0             
mpmath                        1.1.0               
multiagent                    0.0.1               
murmurhash                    1.0.2               
mxnet                         1.4.1               
nbconvert                     5.5.0               
nbformat                      4.4.0               
neat-python                   0.92                
netifaces                     0.10.4              
networkx                      2.3                 
nltk                          3.4.5               
notebook                      5.7.8               
numexpr                       2.6.9               
numpy                         1.14.6              
numpy-stl                     2.10.1              
numpydoc                      0.9.1               
oauth                         1.0.1               
oauth2client                  3.0.0               
oauthlib                      3.1.0               
odfpy                         1.4.0               
olefile                       0.45.1              
openpyxl                      2.4.11              
opt-einsum                    3.1.0               
ordered-set                   3.1.1               
packaging                     19.0                
pandas                        0.25.2              
pandocfilters                 1.4.2               
parse                         1.12.0              
parso                         0.5.1               
pathtools                     0.1.2               
pbr                           5.4.0               
pexpect                       4.7.0               
pickleshare                   0.7.5               
Pillow                        6.1.0               
pip                           19.3.1              
plac                          0.9.6               
plotly                        3.9.0               
pluggy                        0.12.0              
preshed                       2.0.1               
prometheus-client             0.6.0               
prompt-toolkit                2.0.9               
protobuf                      3.11.0              
psutil                        5.6.2               
ptyprocess                    0.6.0               
py                            1.8.0               
py-spy                        0.3.1               
py4j                          0.10.7              
pyaes                         1.6.1               
pyarrow                       0.14.1              
pyasn1                        0.4.5               
pyasn1-modules                0.2.5               
pycairo                       1.16.2              
pyclipper                     1.1.0.post1         
pycodestyle                   2.5.0               
pycparser                     2.19                
pycrypto                      2.6.1               
pycups                        1.9.73              
pydantic                      0.28                
pydocstyle                    5.0.1               
pydot                         1.2.4               
pydotplus                     2.0.2               
PyDrive                       1.3.1               
pyee                          6.0.0               
pyflakes                      2.1.1               
pygame                        1.9.6               
pyglet                        1.3.2               
Pygments                      2.4.0               
pygobject                     3.26.1              
PyLaTeX                       1.3.1               
pylint                        2.3.1               
pymacaroons                   0.13.0              
pymongo                       3.9.0               
Pympler                       0.8                 
PyNaCl                        1.1.2               
PyOpenGL                      3.1.0               
PyOpenGL-accelerate           3.1.0               
pyparsing                     2.4.0               
pyppeteer                     0.0.25              
pyprob                        0.13.0              
PyQt5                         5.12.2              
PyQt5-sip                     4.19.17             
PyQtWebEngine                 5.12.1              
pyquery                       1.4.0               
pyRFC3339                     1.0                 
pyrsistent                    0.15.2              
pyspark                       2.4.3               
pytesseract                   0.3.0               
pytest                        4.6.0               
pytexit                       0.3.3               
python-apt                    1.6.4               
python-dateutil               2.8.0               
python-debian                 0.1.32              
python-jsonrpc-server         0.3.2               
python-language-server        0.31.2              
python-magic                  0.4.16              
python-telegram               0.10.0              
python-utils                  2.3.0               
pytz                          2018.3              
PyWavelets                    1.0.3               
pyxdg                         0.26                
PyYAML                        3.12                
pyzmq                         18.0.1              
QDarkStyle                    2.7                 
QtAwesome                     0.5.7               
qtconsole                     4.6.0               
QtPy                          1.7.1               
ray                           0.8.0.dev7          
records                       0.5.3               
redis                         3.3.11              
regex                         2019.8.19           
reportlab                     3.4.0               
requests                      2.22.0              
requests-html                 0.10.0              
requests-oauthlib             1.3.0               
requests-unixsocket           0.1.5               
retrying                      1.3.3               
rl                            3.0                 
rope                          0.14.0              
rsa                           4.0                 
s3transfer                    0.2.1               
sacremoses                    0.0.35              
scikit-image                  0.15.0              
scikit-learn                  0.21.1              
scipy                         1.3.0               
scons                         3.0.5               
screen-resolution-extra       0.0.0               
seaborn                       0.9.0               
SecretStorage                 2.3.1               
selenium                      3.141.0             
semantic-version              2.6.0               
Send2Trash                    1.5.0               
sentencepiece                 0.1.83              
setproctitle                  1.1.10              
setuptools                    41.0.1              
shutilwhich                   1.1.0               
simplejson                    3.13.2              
six                           1.13.0              
smmap2                        2.0.5               
snowballstemmer               1.2.1               
sortedcontainers              2.1.0               
soupsieve                     1.9.1               
spacy                         2.1.4               
Sphinx                        2.0.1               
sphinxcontrib-applehelp       1.0.1               
sphinxcontrib-devhelp         1.0.1               
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp        1.0.2               
sphinxcontrib-jsmath          1.0.1               
sphinxcontrib-qthelp          1.0.2               
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.3               
spyder                        4.0.0               
spyder-kernels                1.8.1               
SQLAlchemy                    1.3.8               
srsly                         0.0.7               
stable-baselines              2.8.0               
sympy                         1.4                 
system-service                0.3                 
systemd-python                234                 
tables                        3.5.2               
tablib                        0.13.0              
tabulate                      0.8.3               
tbb                           2019.0              
tbb4py                        2019.0              
Telethon                      1.10.6              
tempdir                       0.7.1               
tensorboard                   1.14.0              
tensorflow                    1.14.0              
tensorflow-estimator          1.14.0              
tensorflow-metadata           0.14.0              
tensorflow-probability        0.8.0               
tensorflow-serving-api        1.14.0              
tensorflow-transform          0.14.0              
termcolor                     1.1.0               
terminado                     0.8.2               
testpath                      0.4.2               
testresources                 2.0.1               
tf-agents                     0.2.0rc2            
tfx-bsl                       0.15.0              
thinc                         7.0.4               
torch                         1.2.0+cpu           
torchvision                   0.4.0+cpu           
tornado                       6.0.2               
tqdm                          4.32.1              
trading-env                   0.0.1.dev0          
traitlets                     4.3.2               
transformers                  2.1.0               
trfl                          1.0.1               
typed-ast                     1.3.5               
ubuntu-drivers-common         0.0.0               
ufw                           0.36                
ujson                         1.35                
unattended-upgrades           0.1                 
unicodecsv                    0.14.1              
unidiff                       0.5.4               
uritemplate                   3.0.0               
urllib3                       1.22                
usb-creator                   0.3.3               
virtualenv                    16.6.0              
w3lib                         1.20.0              
wadllib                       1.3.2               
wasabi                        0.2.2               
watchdog                      0.9.0               
wcwidth                       0.1.7               
webencodings                  0.5.1               
websockets                    7.0                 
Werkzeug                      0.15.4              
wget                          3.2                 
wheel                         0.30.0              
widgetsnbextension            3.4.2               
wrapt                         1.11.1              
wurlitzer                     2.0.0               
xkit                          0.0.0               
xlrd                          1.2.0               
xlwt                          1.3.0               
yapf                          0.29.0              
zipp                          0.5.1               
zmq                           0.0.0               
zope.interface                4.3.2


sanjeevanahilan commented 4 years ago

I noticed this as well. Looks like maddpg is actually in ray.rllib.contrib.maddpg. So import that and it should work.

sanjeevanahilan commented 4 years ago

I made a PR for this https://github.com/wsjeon/maddpg-rllib/pull/7

dragon28 commented 4 years ago

@sanjeevanahilan thank you for pointing it out.
