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[rllib] Migration from stable_baselines to rllib #8352

Closed duburcqa closed 3 years ago

duburcqa commented 4 years ago

Ray version and other system information (Python version, TensorFlow version, OS):

Hi everyone,

First of all, I would like to thank all the contributors of ray[rllib] for this amazing and very promising project ! I'm the main developer of Jiminy, a fast Python/C++ simulator for poly-articulated systems compatible with openAI Gym learning framework. So far I was using stable_baselines to do some reinforcement learning but I would like to switch to rlllib since it appears to be more efficient and it is very well documented.

I'm trying to port the Jiminy cartpole learning example provided with gym-jiminy to rllib. I want to use the same algorithm of simplicity (PPO) and model (FFN), and the same options whenever it is possible. However, it is not converges anymore using rllib and I don't understand why. I tried to change various parameters, without success...

Here is the main script I'm using:

import time

import gym
import ray
from ray import rllib
from ray.rllib.models import MODEL_DEFAULTS
from ray.rllib.agents.trainer import COMMON_CONFIG

GYM_ENV_NAME = "gym_jiminy:jiminy-cartpole-v0"

# ================= Initialize the Ray backend =================

    address=None,         # The address of the Ray cluster to connect to, if any.
    num_cpus=8,           # Number of CPUs assigned to each raylet (None = no limit)
    num_gpus=1,           # Number of GPUs assigned to each raylet (None = no limit)
    webui_host="", # The host to bind the web UI server to.
    local_mode=False,     # If true, the code will be executed serially (for debugging purpose)
    logging_level=20      # Logging level.

# ================= Configure the model =================

# Copy the default model configuration
mdl_cfg = MODEL_DEFAULTS.copy()

# Convolution network settings
mdl_cfg["conv_filters"] = None                  # Filter config. List of [out_channels, kernel, stride] for each filter
mdl_cfg["conv_activation"] = "relu"             # Nonlinearity for built-in convnet

# Fully-connected network settings
mdl_cfg["fcnet_activation"] = "tanh"            # Nonlinearity for built-in fully connected net (tanh, relu)
mdl_cfg["fcnet_hiddens"] = [64, 64]             # Number of hidden layers for fully connected net
mdl_cfg["no_final_linear"] = False              # Whether to skip the final linear layer used to resize the outputs to `num_outputs`
mdl_cfg["free_log_std"] = True                  # The last half of the output layer does not dependent on the input
mdl_cfg["vf_share_layers"] = True               # Whether layers should be shared for the value function.

# LTSM network settings
mdl_cfg["use_lstm"] = False                     # Whether to wrap the model with a LSTM
mdl_cfg["max_seq_len"] = 20                     # Max seq len for training the LSTM
mdl_cfg["lstm_cell_size"] = 256                 # Size of the LSTM cell
mdl_cfg["lstm_use_prev_action_reward"] = False  # Whether to feed a_{t-1}, r_{t-1} to LSTM

# Custom model settings
mdl_cfg["custom_model"] = None # Name of a custom model to use
mdl_cfg["custom_options"] = {} # Dict of extra options to pass to the custom models

# ================= Configure rllib =================

# Copy the default rllib configuration
rllib_cfg = COMMON_CONFIG.copy()

# Ressources settings
rllib_cfg["use_pytorch"] = True        # Use PyTorch instead of Tensorflow
rllib_cfg["num_gpus"] = 1              # Number of GPUs to reserve for the trainer process
rllib_cfg["num_workers"] = 8           # Number of rollout worker actors for parallel sampling
rllib_cfg["num_envs_per_worker"] = 16  # Number of environments per worker
rllib_cfg["num_cpus_per_worker"] = 1   # Number of CPUs to reserve per worker
rllib_cfg["num_cpus_for_driver"] = 0   # Number of CPUs to allocate for the trainer

# Rollout settings
rllib_cfg["rollout_fragment_length"] = 32      # Sample batches of this size (mult. by `num_envs_per_worker`) are collected from rollout workers
rllib_cfg["train_batch_size"] = 512            # Sample batches are concatenated together into batches of this size
rllib_cfg["batch_mode"] = "complete_episodes"  # Whether to rollout "complete_episodes" or "truncate_episodes" to `rollout_fragment_length`
rllib_cfg["sample_async"] = False              # Use a background thread for sampling (slightly off-policy)
rllib_cfg["observation_filter"] = "NoFilter"   # Element-wise observation filter ["NoFilter", "MeanStdFilter"]
rllib_cfg["metrics_smoothing_episodes"] = 100  # Smooth metrics over this many episodes
rllib_cfg["seed"] = None                       # sets the random seed of each worker (in conjunction with worker_index)

# Environment settings
rllib_cfg["horizon"] = None             # Number of steps after which the episode is forced to terminate
rllib_cfg["soft_horizon"] = True        # Calculate rewards but don't reset the environment when the horizon is hit
rllib_cfg["no_done_at_end"] = True      # Don't set 'done' at the end of the episode
rllib_cfg["env_config"] = {}            # Arguments to pass to the env creator
rllib_cfg["normalize_actions"] = False  # Normalize actions to the upper and lower bounds of the action space
rllib_cfg["clip_actions"] = False       # Whether to clip actions to the upper and lower bounds of the action space

# Learning settings
rllib_cfg["gamma"] = 0.99             # Discount factor of the MDP
rllib_cfg["lr"] = 1.0e-3              # Learning rate
rllib_cfg["shuffle_buffer_size"] = 0  # Shuffle input batches via a sliding window buffer of this size (0 = disable)
rllib_cfg["log_level"] = "WARN"       # Set the ray.rllib.* log level for the agent process and its workers [DEBUG, INFO, WARN, or ERROR]
rllib_cfg["model"] = mdl_cfg          # Policy model configuration

# ================= Configure the learning algorithm =================

# Select PPO algorithm
from ray.rllib.agents.ppo import PPOTrainer as Trainer, DEFAULT_CONFIG

# Copy the default learning algorithm configuration, including PPO-specific parameters,
# then overwrite the common parameters that has been updated ONLY.
agent_cfg = DEFAULT_CONFIG
for key, value in rllib_cfg.items():
    if COMMON_CONFIG[key] != value:
        agent_cfg[key] = value

# Optimizer settings
agent_cfg["sgd_minibatch_size"] = 128  # Total SGD batch size across all devices for SGD. This defines the minibatch size of each SGD epoch
agent_cfg["num_sgd_iter"] = 4          # Number of SGD epochs to execute per train batch
agent_cfg["shuffle_sequences"] = True  # Whether to shuffle sequences in the batch when training

# Estimators settings
agent_cfg["use_gae"] = True      # Use the Generalized Advantage Estimator (GAE) with a value function (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.02438.pdf)
agent_cfg["use_critic"] = False  # Use a critic as a value baseline (otherwise don't use any; required for using GAE).
agent_cfg["lambda"] = 0.95       # The GAE(lambda) parameter.

# Learning and optimization settings
agent_cfg["lr_schedule"] = None             # Learning rate schedule
agent_cfg["kl_coeff"] = 0.2                 # Initial coefficient for KL divergence
agent_cfg["kl_target"] = 0.01               # Target value for KL divergence
agent_cfg["vf_share_layers"] = False        # Share layers for value function. If you set this to True, it's important to tune vf_loss_coeff
agent_cfg["vf_loss_coeff"] = 0.5            # Coefficient of the value function loss
agent_cfg["entropy_coeff"] = 0.01           # Coefficient of the entropy regularizer
agent_cfg["entropy_coeff_schedule"] = None  # Decay schedule for the entropy regularizer
agent_cfg["clip_param"] = 0.2               # PPO clip parameter
agent_cfg["vf_clip_param"] = float("inf")   # Clip param for the value function. Note that this is sensitive to the scale of the rewards (-1 to disable)
agent_cfg["grad_clip"] = None               # Clip the global norm of gradients by this amount (None = disable) (No working with PyTorch ML backend)

# ================= Configure the learning algorithm =================

train_agent = Trainer(agent_cfg, GYM_ENV_NAME)

# ================= Run the optimization =================

timesteps_total = 1200000
results_fields_filter = ["training_iteration", "time_total_s", "timesteps_total", "episode_reward_max", "episode_reward_mean",
                         ["info", ["sample_time_ms", "grad_time_ms", "opt_peak_throughput", "sample_peak_throughput"]]]

result = {"timesteps_total": 0}
while result["timesteps_total"] < timesteps_total:
    # Perform one iteration of training the policy
    result = train_agent.train()

    # Print the training status
    for field in results_fields_filter:
        if not isinstance(field, list):
            if field in result.keys():
                print(f"{field}: {result[field]}")
            for subfield in field[1]:
                if subfield in result[field[0]].keys():
                    print(f"{subfield} : {result[field[0]][subfield]}")

checkpoint_path = train_agent.save()

# ================= Enjoy a trained agent =================

t_end = 10.0 # Total duration of the simulation(s) in seconds

env = gym.make(GYM_ENV_NAME)
test_agent = Trainer(agent_cfg, GYM_ENV_NAME)
t_init = time.time()
t_prev = t_init
while t_prev - t_init < 20.0:
    observ = env.reset()
    done = False
    cumulative_reward = 0
    while (not done) and (t_prev - t_init < 20.0):
        action = test_agent.compute_action(observ, explore=False)
        observ, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
        cumulative_reward += reward
        sleep(env.dt - (time.time() - t_prev))
        t_prev = time.time()

# ================= Terminate the Ray backend =================


Is there something obviously wrong with what I'm doing ?

PS: One should be able to run this script after installling gym-jiminy using pip.

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm a bot from the Ray team :)

To help human contributors to focus on more relevant issues, I will automatically add the stale label to issues that have had no activity for more than 4 months.

If there is no further activity in the 14 days, the issue will be closed!

You can always ask for help on our discussion forum or Ray's public slack channel.

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hi again! The issue will be closed because there has been no more activity in the 14 days since the last message.

Please feel free to reopen or open a new issue if you'd still like it to be addressed.

Again, you can always ask for help on our discussion forum or Ray's public slack channel.

Thanks again for opening the issue!