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Imitation loss schedule - access number of steps taken in custom_loss [rllib] #8362

Closed Carlz182 closed 3 years ago

Carlz182 commented 4 years ago

I was following the example script for a custom loss function. I am interested in bootstrapping my policy with a dataset from an algorithmic supervisor. However, the demonstrations are not perfect so at some point I would like the influence of the imitation loss to decrease to zero and let the policy loss take over. In the example the influence of the imitation loss is hard coded with 10 but I would like to make it change over time.

    def custom_loss(self, policy_loss, loss_inputs):
        # create a new input reader per worker
        reader = JsonReader(self.options["custom_options"]["input_files"])
        input_ops = reader.tf_input_ops()

        # define a secondary loss by building a graph copy with weight sharing
        obs = tf.cast(input_ops["obs"], tf.float32)
        logits, _ = self._build_layers_v2({
            "obs": restore_original_dimensions(obs, self.obs_space)
        }, self.num_outputs, self.options)

        # You can also add self-supervised losses easily by referencing tensors
        # created during _build_layers_v2(). For example, an autoencoder-style
        # loss can be added as follows:
        # ae_loss = squared_diff(
        #     loss_inputs["obs"], Decoder(self.fcnet.last_layer))
        print("FYI: You can also use these tensors: {}, ".format(loss_inputs))

        # compute the IL loss
        action_dist = Categorical(logits, self.options)
        self.policy_loss = policy_loss
        self.imitation_loss = tf.reduce_mean(
        return policy_loss + 10 * self.imitation_loss

Unfortunately I did not find a way to change the model's parameters from outside during training. What would be the suggested way to do something like this? I was thinking about doing this in the train_result callback but I did not succeed.

An alternative would be a behavioral cloning function similar to the pre_train function in baselines but I did not find any reference if that is already implemented somewhere.

I am using PPO for training.

Rllib version: 0.8.2, Python 3.7.6, Ubuntu 18.04

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stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

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