I am trying to pass a list of dictionaries to param_distributions in TuneSearchCV, but get the error:
C:\Anaconda3\envs\Scikit-Learn\lib\site-packages\tune_sklearn\tune_search.py in init(self, estimator, param_distributions, early_stopping, n_trials, scoring, n_jobs, refit, cv, verbose, random_state, error_score, return_train_score, local_dir, name, max_iters, search_optimization, use_gpu, loggers, pipeline_auto_early_stop, stopper, time_budget_s, sk_n_jobs, mode, search_kwargs, **kwargs)
366 if isinstance(param_distributions, list):
367 if self._search_optimization_lower != "random":
--> 368 raise ValueError("list of dictionaries for parameters "
369 "is not supported for non-random search")
ValueError: list of dictionaries for parameters is not supported for non-random search
I've passed a list of dicts to the underlying search algorithm BayesSearchCV, but haven't tested it with the others and it works fine. Can list of dicts be enabled in general?
Hello, I am trying to pass a list of dictionaries to param_distributions in TuneSearchCV, but get the error:
I've passed a list of dicts to the underlying search algorithm BayesSearchCV, but haven't tested it with the others and it works fine. Can list of dicts be enabled in general?
Thanks Narayan