ray-x / go.nvim

G'day Nvimer, Joyful Gopher: Discover the Feature-Rich Go Plugin for Neovim
MIT License
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GoAddTag doesn't work #411

Closed xtrats closed 6 months ago

xtrats commented 6 months ago

2023-12-22_19-07-01 (1)

The go binaries is in the directory /root/go/bin, and /root/go/bin is in the $PATH.

health check result:

go: require("go.health").check()

- go installed.
- Tool installed: golangci-lint
- Tool installed: gomodifytags
- Tool installed: gofumpt
- Tool installed: gopls
- Tool installed: dlv
- Tool installed: gomvp
- Tool installed: govulncheck
- Tool installed: go-enum
- Tool installed: fillswitch
- Tool installed: fillstruct
- Tool installed: json-to-struct
- Tool installed: gonew
- Tool installed: goimports
- Tool installed: richgo
- Tool installed: ginkgo
- Tool installed: gotests
- Tool installed: mockgen
- Tool installed: guru
- Tool installed: gorename
- Tool installed: callgraph
- Tool installed: impl
- Tool installed: gotestsum
- Tool installed: golines
- Tool installed: iferr
- sed installed.
- curl installed.
- OK All binaries installed

Go Plugin Check
- OK lspconfig: plugin is installed
- OK nvim-treesitter: plugin is installed
- OK guihua: plugin is installed
- WARNING nvim-dap-virtual-text: not installed/loaded
- OK telescope: plugin is installed
- OK nvim-treesitter-go is installed
- WARNING nvim-dap: not installed/loaded
- WARNING nvim-dap-ui: not installed/loaded
- WARNING Not all plugin installed
- OK GOROOT is set
- GOBIN is not set
- Not all environment variables set
ray-x commented 6 months ago

Please check if the issue reproducible with https://github.com/ray-x/go.nvim/blob/master/playground/init_lazy.lua

xtrats commented 6 months ago

Please check if the issue reproducible with https://github.com/ray-x/go.nvim/blob/master/playground/init_lazy.lua

Doesn't work either.

2023-12-25_19-06-15 (1)

The log:


xtrats commented 6 months ago

I found something in the log file. I execute the :GoAddTag command when my cursor is in the IdcPosition struct, but the json tags added to the QueryNetModuleInfoResp struct. I don't know why.

2023-12-25_19-21-49 (1)

ray-x commented 6 months ago

Ok, it should been fixed now. Thanks for the screenshot, it is very helpful.

xtrats commented 6 months ago

It works now, thanks for your excellent work.