ray-x / go.nvim

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Diagnostic update in insert not working #463

Closed afterlook closed 1 month ago

afterlook commented 1 month ago

So it seems that update_in_insert from diagnostic is not working at all for me and in the meantime it works just fine if I remove the setup and attach clean gopls to my buffer. Diagnostics update just fine, but only when I save the buffer and as soon as I do any keystroke in insert mode, all diagnostics disappear completely.

Any pointers on what might be wrong? Pretty sure it's something wrong with my config or worse, nasty interaction from other plugin...


local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').default_capabilities(capabilities)

-- NOTE: all LSP and formatting related options are disabeld.
-- NOTE: LSP is handled by lsp.lua and formatting is handled by null-ls.lua
-- NOTE: via `lsp_on_attach` the custom callback used by all other LSPs is called
  go = 'go', -- go command, can be go[default] or go1.18beta1
  goimports = 'gopls', -- goimport command, can be gopls[default] or goimport
  fillstruct = 'gopls', -- can be nil (use fillstruct, slower) and gopls
  gofmt = 'gofumpt', -- gofmt cmd,
  tag_transform = false, -- tag_transfer  check gomodifytags for details
  test_template = '', -- default to testify if not set; g:go_nvim_tests_template  check gotests for details
  test_template_dir = '', -- default to nil if not set; g:go_nvim_tests_template_dir  check gotests for details
  comment_placeholder = '', -- comment_placeholder your cool placeholder e.g. ﳑ       
  icons = { breakpoint = '🧘', currentpos = '🏃' },
  verbose = false, -- output loginf in messages
  lsp_cfg = {
    capabilities = capabilities,
  }, -- true: use non-default gopls setup specified in go/lsp.lua
  -- false: do nothing
  -- if lsp_cfg is a table, merge table with with non-default gopls setup in go/lsp.lua, e.g.
  --   lsp_cfg = {settings={gopls={matcher='CaseInsensitive', ['local'] = 'your_local_module_path', gofumpt = true }}}
  lsp_gofumpt = true, -- true: set default gofmt in gopls format to gofumpt
  lsp_on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
    client.server_capabilities.document_formatting = false
    client.server_capabilities.documentFormattingProvider = false

    require('config/lsp').on_attach(client, bufnr)
    local wk = require('which-key')
    local default_options = { silent = true }
      c = {
        name = 'Coding',
        a = { '<cmd>GoCodeAction<cr>', 'Code action' },
        e = { '<cmd>GoIfErr<cr>', 'Add if err' },
        h = {
          name = 'Helper',
          a = { '<cmd>GoAddTag<cr>', 'Add tags to struct' },
          r = { '<cmd>GoRMTag<cr>', 'Remove tags to struct' },
          c = { '<cmd>GoCoverage<cr>', 'Test coverage' },
          g = { "<cmd>lua require('go.comment').gen()<cr>", 'Generate comment' },
          v = { '<cmd>GoVet<cr>', 'Go vet' },
          t = { '<cmd>GoModTidy<cr>', 'Go mod tidy' },
          i = { '<cmd>GoModInit<cr>', 'Go mod init' },
        i = { '<cmd>GoToggleInlay<cr>', 'Toggle inlay' },
        l = { '<cmd>GoLint<cr>', 'Run linter' },
        o = { '<cmd>GoPkgOutline<cr>', 'Outline' },
        r = { '<cmd>GoRun<cr>', 'Run' },
        s = { '<cmd>GoFillStruct<cr>', 'Autofill struct' },
        t = {
          name = 'Tests',
          r = { '<cmd>GoTest<cr>', 'Run tests' },
          a = { '<cmd>GoAlt!<cr>', 'Open alt file' },
          s = { '<cmd>GoAltS!<cr>', 'Open alt file in split' },
          v = { '<cmd>GoAltV!<cr>', 'Open alt file in vertical split' },
          u = { '<cmd>GoTestFunc<cr>', 'Run test for current func' },
          f = { '<cmd>GoTestFile<cr>', 'Run test for current file' },
        x = {
          name = 'Code Lens',
          l = { '<cmd>GoCodeLenAct<cr>', 'Toggle Lens' },
          a = { '<cmd>GoCodeAction<cr>', 'Code Action' },
    }, { prefix = '<leader>', mode = 'n', default_options })
      c = {
        name = 'Coding',
        j = { "<cmd>'<,'>GoJson2Struct<cr>", 'Json to struct' },
    }, { prefix = '<leader>', mode = 'v', default_options })
  end, -- nil: use on_attach function defined in go/lsp.lua,
  --      when lsp_cfg is true
  -- if lsp_on_attach is a function: use this function as on_attach function for gopls
  lsp_codelens = true, -- set to false to disable codelens, true by default
  lsp_keymaps = false, -- set to false to disable gopls/lsp keymap
  lsp_document_formatting = false,
  -- set to true: use gopls to format
  -- false if you want to use other formatter tool(e.g. efm, nulls)
  lsp_inlay_hints = {
    enable = true,
    -- Only show inlay hints for the current line
    only_current_line = false,
    -- Event which triggers a refersh of the inlay hints.
    -- You can make this "CursorMoved" or "CursorMoved,CursorMovedI" but
    -- not that this may cause higher CPU usage.
    -- This option is only respected when only_current_line and
    -- autoSetHints both are true.
    only_current_line_autocmd = 'CursorHold',
    -- whether to show variable name before type hints with the inlay hints or not
    -- default: false
    show_variable_name = true,
    -- prefix for parameter hints
    parameter_hints_prefix = ' ',
    show_parameter_hints = true,
    -- prefix for all the other hints (type, chaining)
    other_hints_prefix = '=> ',
    -- whether to align to the length of the longest line in the file
    max_len_align = false,
    -- padding from the left if max_len_align is true
    max_len_align_padding = 1,
    -- whether to align to the extreme right or not
    right_align = false,
    -- padding from the right if right_align is true
    right_align_padding = 6,
    -- The color of the hints
    highlight = 'Comment',
  gopls_cmd = nil, -- if you need to specify gopls path and cmd, e.g {"/home/user/lsp/gopls", "-logfile","/var/log/gopls.log" }
  gopls_remote_auto = true, -- add -remote=auto to gopls
  gocoverage_sign = '█',
  dap_debug = false, -- set to false to disable dap
  dap_debug_keymap = false, -- true: use keymap for debugger defined in go/dap.lua
  -- false: do not use keymap in go/dap.lua.  you must define your own.
  dap_debug_gui = false, -- set to true to enable dap gui, highly recommended
  dap_debug_vt = false, -- set to true to enable dap virtual text
  build_tags = '', -- set default build tags
  textobjects = true, -- enable default text jobects through treesittter-text-objects
  test_runner = 'go', -- richgo, go test, richgo, dlv, ginkgo
  run_in_floaterm = false, -- set to true to run in float window.
  -- float term recommended if you use richgo/ginkgo with terminal color
  luasnip = true,
  iferr_vertical_shift = 2,
  diagnostic = { -- set diagnostic to false to disable vim.diagnostic setup
    hdlr = true, -- hook lsp diag handler and send diag to quickfix
    underline = true,
    -- virtual text setup
    virtual_text = { spacing = 0, prefix = '■' },
    signs = true,
    update_in_insert = true,
  lsp_diag_update_in_insert = true,
ray-x commented 1 month ago

You can diagnostic=false so go.nvim will not run config for you. Also the output of :lua=vim.diagnostics.config() looks alright:


afterlook commented 1 month ago

I did set diagnostic=false, but nothing changed.

I also ran :lua=vim.diagnostics.config() with go.nvim + gopls and gopls alone. In both cases update_in_insert is set to false, but still whenever I run vanilla gopls I get all the diagnostics/errors on every keystroke in insert mode.

Appreciate the quick response and taking interest, love the plugin btw.

afterlook commented 1 month ago

Also for more context, I'm not even seeing the expected behaviour of update_in_insert=false, which is updating diagnostics on leaving the insert mode - nothing happens.

ray-x commented 1 month ago

Sounds like a neovim bug if lua=vim.diagnostics.config() shows update_in_insert=false but you get different behavior. Are you using 0.10 release?

afterlook commented 1 month ago

Sounds like a neovim bug if lua=vim.diagnostics.config() shows update_in_insert=false but you get different behavior. Are you using 0.10 release?

Nope, still on version 0.9.5.

And just to clarify, I'm only getting different behaviour with the plugin, vanilla gopls works as expected.

I'm able to reproduce the behavior with this config.

  dependencies = { -- optional packages
  config = function()
      lsp_cfg = true,
  event = { 'CmdlineEnter' },
  ft = { 'go', 'gomod' },
  build = ':lua require("go.install").update_all_sync()', -- if you need to install/update all binaries

Exact steps:

  1. open a buffer which has for example some error diagnostic undefined: fmt
  2. go into insert mode and start typing > diagnostics disappear
  3. go into normal mode > still diagnostics missing
ray-x commented 1 month ago

You can check the code here:



And you can override those settings.

I did not see similar behaviour

The gopls setup of go.nvim is not the default one. Supose you are using master version, default diagnostic trigger is file Save when update_in_insert=false,

afterlook commented 1 month ago

Okay cool, didn't know about that interaction with update_in_insert. Managed to get diagnostics running this way.

Thank you!

This can be closed.