ray-x / navigator.lua

Code analysis & navigation plugin for Neovim. Navigate codes like a breeze🎐 Exploring LSP and 🌲Treesitter symbols a piece of 🍰 Take control like a boss 🦍
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Doesn't play nice with other LSP setups #239

Closed Davincible closed 2 years ago

Davincible commented 2 years ago

I've just tried installing this plugin, but it doesn't play nice with LSP setup through other plugins, even if I disable everything;

E.g. normally, I get diagnostics like this, but when I have navigator enabled, without any lsp setups, they don't appear: image

Also, if I try to do gd on something without definition I get this: image

Instead of just nothing


    debug = false,
    mason = false, -- played with this on true
    lsp_installer = false,
    default_mapping = false,
    lsp = {
        enable = false, --> this doesn't do anything, I have to use the disable all bellow
        disable_lsp = "all",

vim.cmd("autocmd FileType guihua lua require('cmp').setup.buffer { enabled = false }")
vim.cmd("autocmd FileType guihua_rust lua require('cmp').setup.buffer { enabled = false }")

    -- This in common_on_attach
    require("navigator.lspclient.mapping").setup({ bufnr = bufnr, client = client })
ray-x commented 2 years ago

First if you disabled lsp diagnostic wont enabled. The code is this:

  if _NgConfigValues.lsp.enable then

You might need to set it up manually in your config.

Here is an example to use mason (if you want this plugin to setup your lsp) and bypass sumneko_lua setup in navigator. you can try it fo pylsp and other lsp setup

vim.cmd([[set runtimepath=$VIMRUNTIME]])
vim.cmd([[set packpath=/tmp/nvim/site]])
local Plugin_folder
local plugin_folder = function()
  if Plugin_folder then
    return Plugin_folder
  local host = os.getenv("HOST_NAME")
  if host and (host:find("Ray") or host:find("ray")) then
    Plugin_folder = [[~/github/ray-x/]] -- vim.fn.expand("$HOME") .. '/github/'
    Plugin_folder = [[ray-x/]]
  return Plugin_folder

local path = plugin_folder()
local package_root = "/tmp/nvim/site/pack"
local install_path = package_root .. "/packer/start/packer.nvim"

vim.g.coq_settings = {
  ["auto_start"] = "shut-up",

local function load_plugins()
  print("load plugins")
  -- general setup

      use(Plugin_folder .. "aurora")
        Plugin_folder .. "navigator.lua",
        requires = {
          { "ray-x/guihua.lua", run = "cd lua/fzy && make" },
          { Plugin_folder .. "nvim-lspconfig" },
          { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" },
        config = function()
            debug = true,
            lsp_signature_help = true,
            lsp = {
              disable_lsp = { "sumneko_lua" },
              document_highlight = true,
              tsserver = {
                single_file_support = true,

            on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
              require("navigator.lspclient.mapping").setup({ client = client, bufnr = bufnr })
    config = {
      package_root = package_root,
      compile_path = install_path .. "/plugin/packer_compiled.lua",
if vim.fn.isdirectory(install_path) == 0 then
vim.cmd("set termguicolors")
vim.g.aurora_italic = 1
vim.g.aurora_transparent = 1
vim.g.aurora_bold = 1
vim.cmd("set mouse=a")
vim.cmd("colorscheme aurora")
vim.cmd("set updatetime=1")
Davincible commented 2 years ago

First if you disabled lsp diagnostic wont enabled.

But why is it overwriting those settings in the first place? If I set lsp.enable = false I don't expect it to change anything about my current LSP config :)

Thanks for the example.

Davincible commented 2 years ago

So I think I managed to get the desired behavior by setting

    mason = true,
    default_mapping = false,
    lsp = {
        enable = true,
        disable_lsp = "all",

I had expected what it is here enable = true to be default, and disable_lsp = "all" > enable = false

ray-x commented 2 years ago

lsp=false was a feature for anyone only use treesitter. In your case you just want navigator bypass the lsp setup.

hjkatz commented 1 year ago

I found a way to do the following:

Here are the relevant pieces:

Setup navigator with lsp disabled and mason enabled:

  mason = true, -- use mason
  default_mapping = false, -- use our own mappings / tell navigator not to define its own mappings
  lsp = {
      -- Disable all lsp setup including code actions, lens, diagnostics, etc...
      -- Set these up via copy/paste functions from ray-x/navigator.lua
      -- into my lsp config below
      -- some config settings will still be loaded and respected during require("navigator.*").some_fn calls
      enable = false, -- Disable LSP setup
      disable_lsp = "all", -- Disable LSP configuration

      -- configs below here will still be respected/used by navigator
      code_action = {
        delay = 5000, -- ms
      diagnostic_scrollbar_sign = false, -- disable scrollbar symbols
      tsserver = {
          single_file_support = true,
      format_on_save = {
        disable = {

Enable/Load diagnostics config:

-- load diagnostics (disabled by lsp.enabled = false)

Note^: This only needs to be loaded once. You can place this directly after loading navigator.

LSP Attach for configuring various client/bufnr specific configs:

local lsp_attach = function(client, bufnr)
  local opts = { buffer = bufnr }

  -- enable identifier highlight on hover
  -- configure doc highlight
  -- configure diagnostic highlight
  require("navigator.lspclient.highlight").diagnositc_config_sign() -- [sic]
  -- init LSP kind info
  -- attach omnifunc
  vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'omnifunc', 'v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc')

  -- Setup navigator for lsp client
    client = client,
    bufnr = bufnr,

  -- call to show code actions as floating text and gutter icon
  local prompt_code_action = function()

  -- ray-x/navigator
  -- ref: https://github.com/ray-x/navigator.lua/tree/master#default-keymaps
  -- ref: https://github.com/ray-x/navigator.lua/blob/master/lua/navigator/lspclient/mapping.lua
  -- must override all default mappings for any of them to work
  local keymaps = {
    { mode = 'n', key = 'gr',         func = require('navigator.reference').async_ref }, -- show references and context (async)
    { mode = 'n', key = '<c-]>',      func = require('navigator.definition').definition }, -- goto definition
    { mode = 'n', key = 'gd',         func = require('navigator.definition').definition }, -- goto definition
    { mode = 'n', key = 'gD',         func = vim.lsp.buf.declaration }, -- goto declaration
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>/',  func = require('navigator.workspace').workspace_symbol_live }, -- workspace fzf
    { mode = 'n', key = '<C-S-F>',    func = require('navigator.workspace').workspace_symbol_live }, -- workspace fzf
    { mode = 'n', key = 'g0',         func = require('navigator.symbols').document_symbols }, -- document's symbols
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>d',  func = vim.lsp.buf.hover }, -- hover window
    { mode = 'n', key = 'K',          func = vim.lsp.buf.hover }, -- hover window
    { mode = 'n', key = 'gi',         func = vim.lsp.buf.implementation }, -- goto implementation (doesn't always work?)
    { mode = 'n', key = '<Leader>gi', func = vim.lsp.buf.incoming_calls }, -- incoming calls
    { mode = 'n', key = '<Leader>go', func = vim.lsp.buf.outgoing_calls }, -- outgoing calls
    { mode = 'n', key = 'gt',         func = vim.lsp.buf.type_definition }, -- goto type definition
    { mode = 'n', key = 'gp',         func = require('navigator.definition').definition_preview }, -- hover definition preview
    { mode = 'n', key = 'gP',         func = require('navigator.definition').type_definition_preview }, -- hover type definition preview
    -- messes up ctrl-hjkl for moving windows
    -- { mode = 'n', key = '<c-k>',      func = vim.lsp.buf.signature_help }, -- sig help
    { mode = 'n', key = '<C-S-K>',    func = toggle_lsp_signature }, -- sig help
    { mode = 'i', key = '<C-S-K>',    func = toggle_lsp_signature }, -- sig help
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>ca', func = vim.lsp.buf.code_action }, -- code action
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>cl', func = require('navigator.codelens').run_action }, -- codelens action
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>la', func = require('navigator.codelens').run_action }, -- codelens action
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>rn', func = require('navigator.rename').rename }, -- rename
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>gt', func = require('navigator.treesitter').buf_ts }, -- fzf treesitter symbols
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>ts', func = require('navigator.treesitter').buf_ts }, -- fzf treesitter symbols
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>ct', func = require('navigator.ctags').ctags }, -- fzf ctags
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>ca', func = require('navigator.codeAction').code_action }, -- code action
    { mode = 'v', key = '<leader>ca', func = require('navigator.codeAction').range_code_action }, -- code action
    { mode = 'n', key = '<C-S-C>',    func = prompt_code_action }, -- prompt for possible code actions
    { mode = 'v', key = '<C-S-C>',    func = prompt_code_action }, -- prompt for possible code actions
    { mode = 'n', key = 'gG',         func = require('navigator.diagnostics').show_buf_diagnostics }, -- diagnostics
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>G',  func = require('navigator.diagnostics').show_buf_diagnostics }, -- diagnostics
    { mode = 'n', key = 'gL',         func = require('navigator.diagnostics').show_diagnostics }, -- diagnostics
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>L',  func = require('navigator.diagnostics').show_diagnostics }, -- diagnostics
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>cf', func = vim.lsp.buf.format }, -- format code
    { mode = 'v', key = '<leader>cf', func = vim.lsp.buf.range_formatting }, -- format code (visual range)
    { mode = 'n', key = '<leader>fc', func = vim.lsp.buf.format }, -- format code
    { mode = 'v', key = '<leader>fc', func = vim.lsp.buf.range_formatting }, -- format code (visual range)

  for _, km in pairs(keymaps) do
      vim.keymap.set(km.mode, km.key, km.func, opts)

I hope this helps!