Closed RobertBuhren closed 2 years ago
This is not correct behaviour. But I can not reproduce.
One question. Do you have multiple LSP install. E.g ccls and clangd? It may introduce some issue if you have multiple lsp installed.
You can disable lsp by setting filetype={}
This is not correct behaviour. But I can not reproduce.
One question. Do you have multiple LSP install. E.g ccls and clangd? It may introduce some issue if you have multiple lsp installed.
You can disable lsp by setting filetype={}
I has the same problem.It missing preview window when i edit javascript .And i only install tsserver
Could you post your minimum vimrc, and a piece of source code so I can check what the issue is?
set termguicolors
call plug#begin('~/.local/share/nvim/plugged')
Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter'
Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua'
Plug 'ray-x/navigator.lua'
call plug#end()
lua <<EOF
local single = {"╭", "─", "╮", "│", "╯", "─", "╰", "│"}
debug = true,
width = 0.7,
border = single, -- "single"
set mouse=a
Also if debug is enabled. Would be great to send you log as well (by default under $HOME/.local/share/nvim/gh.log
Could you post your minimum vimrc, and a piece of source code so I can check what the issue is?
set termguicolors call plug#begin('~/.local/share/nvim/plugged') Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter' Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua' Plug 'ray-x/navigator.lua' call plug#end() lua <<EOF local single = {"╭", "─", "╮", "│", "╯", "─", "╰", "│"} require"navigator".setup({ debug = true, width = 0.7, border = single, -- "single" }) EOF set mouse=a
Also if debug is enabled. Would be great to send you log as well (by default under
My configuration is from README.
And this is gh.log
Strange, But still failed to reproduce. I used javascript a lot and should have spot the issue. The logs show lsp diagnostic messages. I but it missing the log for plugin launch. Also missing go to reference and I can not tell why the preview failed to show. It will be helpful if you could remove gh.log and restart neovim. Then, open your code and search for LSP reference and show preview by move the cursor up and down.
I encounter the same problem here. So I create a minimal reproducible example. Hope it will help.
I did some update to your init.lua and it not reproduce (I am using packer and can not re-install with your setup path)
vim.cmd([[set runtimepath=$VIMRUNTIME]])
vim.cmd([[set packpath=/tmp/nvim/site]])
local package_root = '/tmp/nvim/site/pack'
local install_path = package_root .. '/packer/start/packer.nvim'
local function load_plugins()
use({ 'wbthomason/packer.nvim' })
requires = { 'ray-x/guihua.lua', run = 'cd lua/fzy && make' },
config = function()
config = {
package_root = package_root,
compile_path = install_path .. '/plugin/packer_compiled.lua',
-- git = { default_url_format = '' },
if vim.fn.isdirectory(install_path) == 0 then
I tried ubuntu and archlinux today.
Both do not reproduce.
I noticed from your video
1) You are on nvim 0.6.1. But the freeze version is using LuaJit 2.1, You are using 2.0. Did you build the image yourself?
2) As I can not see your keypress. It is supposed to move cursor in the list with <Up> <Down> or <C-p> <C-n> or <PageUp/Dow>
or with a number key 1~9. From the video, seems you are moving both vertically and horizontally. Which make me think you are not using those keymaps. Please check above keys are mapped in ListView floating windows and you are using those keymaps (e.g :nmap <Up>
). Also as you are using a default colorscheme, I can not really tell your cursor selected the list items. Could you check if colorscheme ray-x/aurora will looks better.
2) I updated guihua.lua for archlinux. Not sure if it is relevant. Please update the plugins and try again.
2. As I can not see your keypress. It is supposed to move cursor in the list with
<Up> <Down> or <C-p> <C-n> or <PageUp/Dow>
or with a number key 1~9.
I see where the problem is. I was using h/j/k/l
to move around in the list.
After using <Up>/<Down>/<c-p>/<c-n>/<PageUp>/<PageDown>
, everything work as intended.
Sorry for not carefully reading the docs and making the wrong assumptions on key mapings. Thanks for your work and your help!
- You are on nvim 0.6.1. But the freeze version is using LuaJit 2.1, You are using 2.0. Did you build the image yourself?
No, I didn't. LuaJit in Arch Linux is 2.0.5.
@RobertBuhren @feedoom Please check if you are still seeing the issue?
When pressing "gr" on a symbol to list it's references a popup window with the list of references appears. However, there is no preview window when selecting an entry of that list. Pressing "Enter" on an entry will open the respective entry in the same window without changing it's size. See the screenshots attached.
Result of "gr" on the function "ccp_reverse_buf":
Result of pressing "Enter" on an entry:
Expected result
I'd expect that a preview window that displays the respective entry is created. Upon selecting an entry via "Enter" the respective location is opened in the current buffer.
Please close this issue if the shown behavior is indeed expected.
Tested with this minimal config and neovim-0.5 on archlinux. Language server is clangd.