Closed chriztheanvill closed 3 years ago
Do you mean fzy search input?
You can use <BS>
to delete char before current cursor and <Del>
the char after cursor.
I did not see the refresh problem, did you run cd lua/fzy && make
when install guihua.lua?
Do you mean fzy search input? You can use
to delete char before current cursor and<Del>
the char after cursor. I did not see the refresh problem, did you runcd lua/fzy && make
when install guihua.lua?
I just copy and paste the
Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua', {'do': 'cd lua/fzy && make' }
I did make:
-cris@cris-pc - 0 - ~/.vim/plugged/guihua.lua/lua/fzy
--(21:56:38) - (9 files: 52Kb)$ make
echo x86_64
/usr/local/gcc-11.2.0/bin/gcc-11.2 -Ofast -c -Wall -static -fpic -o ./src/match.o ./src/match.c
/usr/local/gcc-11.2.0/bin/gcc-11.2 -shared -o ./static/ ./src/match.o
No changes.
Do you mean fzy search input? You can use
to delete char before current cursor and<Del>
the char after cursor. I did not see the refresh problem, did you runcd lua/fzy && make
when install guihua.lua?
Hi. This issue happens with you? Because I still having it. This is my config.
I did not see this issue so far. Can you check if this issue happens if you using a minium vimrc?
I did not see this issue so far. Can you check if this issue happens if you using a minium vimrc?
You are right. I delete everything and just keep lspconfig, treesitter and navigator, and works. But now I have a little issue: This is at start:
Then start typing:
Then if I delete everything, does not recover the original state.
are you trying to search in the workspace symbol in a cpp project? What is lsp server you are using?
Yes, I am in a cpp project, and using clangd:
disply_diagnostic_qf = true,
clangd = {
on_attach = function(client, bufnr) end,
cmd = {
filetypes = {"c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp"},
-- root_dir = utils.root_pattern("compile_commands.json", "compile_flags.txt", ".git")
init_option = { fallbackFlags = { "-std=c++2a" } }
}, -- clang
cmake = {
filetypes = {'cmake'},
init_options = { buildDirectory = "build"}
}, -- CMAKE
gdscript = {}, -- Godot
sumneko_lua = { -- LUA
sumneko_root_path = "/home/cris/.LuaLSP/lua-language-server",
sumneko_binary = "/home/cris/.LuaLSP/lua-language-server/bin/Linux/lua-language-server",
}, -- sumneko_lua
yes. there is a bug in fzy search. Pushed a fix and hope it works.
I found what makes that you can not erase: With the plugin nvim-autopairs:
disable_filetype = { "TelescopePrompt" , "guihua" },
Thanks. that helps!
Hi. After open windows: You can write, but not erase, and if you erase moving the cursor and press 'Delete', you can erase, but the search does not refresh.
Also, you need to :q! to quit the window.
Men, I love your plugin :D