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RSS Reader issues #12668

Open SeeHavens opened 3 weeks ago

SeeHavens commented 3 weeks ago



Raycast Version


macOS Version

MacOS 14.5


Hi, I use the RSS reader to keep tabs on open positions in my company. It used to work just fine, and was searchable, but now it shows everything as 2 months old and not current, and search terms rarely sort the information in the expected way.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Run "Read All Stories" from RSS link.
  2. Information shows up as 2-3 months old and search terms appear to be disregarded.

Current Behaviour

input RSS link and when viewed, it shows old listings, and search term sorting is not finding correlating information. Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 12 48 06 PM

Expected Behaviour

input RSS link, and when viewed, it shows current listings, and search term sorting does find correlating information.

raycastbot commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for opening this issue!

🔔 @fuksman @pernielsentikaer @pomdtr you might want to have a look.

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