raycast / extensions

Everything you need to extend Raycast.
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[Google Translate] ... #12867

Open Freddiefdl opened 2 weeks ago

Freddiefdl commented 2 weeks ago



Raycast Version


macOS Version



All of my language sets are gone today suddenly.


Steps To Reproduce

  1. Open raycast
  2. Go to translate command
  3. Select language sets

Current Behaviour

Existing language sets are gone.

Expected Behaviour

Existing language sets appear as expected.

raycastbot commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for opening this issue!

🔔 @gebeto @FezVrasta @ickas @metakirby5 @tangerine1202 @nirtamir2 @pernielsentikaer @rasitayaz @Popalay you might want to have a look.

💡 Author and Contributors commands The author and contributors of `gebeto/translate` can trigger bot actions by commenting: - `@raycastbot close this issue` Closes the issue. - `@raycastbot rename this issue to "Awesome new title"` Renames the issue. - `@raycastbot reopen this issue` Reopens the issue. - `@raycastbot assign me` Assigns yourself to the issue. - `@raycastbot good first issue` Adds the "Good first issue" label to the issue. - `@raycastbot keep this issue open` Make sure the issue won't go stale and will be kept open by the bot.
gebeto commented 2 weeks ago

It looks like some bug related to Raycast itself, so local storage was cleared

gebeto commented 2 weeks ago

@patrikkernke do you have any insights here? maybe Raycast dev team know what can go wrong here?

Do the raycase even have any functionality to reset the extension storage?