As @mxstbr pointed out in his YouTube video, Raycast is not on iOS and so it's necessary to use "Text Replacements" (TR) there. Unlike Max, I never had many TR. I only have loads of Raycast Snippets; however, I don't have a quick way to add them to TR to help my iOS experience!
Who will benefit from this feature?
Anybody who wants to leverage their Raycast Snippet library on non MacOS devices.
🔔 @thomaslombart you might want to have a look.
💡 Author and Contributors commands
The author and contributors of `raycast/text-replacements` can trigger bot actions by commenting:
- `@raycastbot close this issue` Closes the issue.
- `@raycastbot rename this issue to "Awesome new title"` Renames the issue.
- `@raycastbot reopen this issue` Reopens the issue.
- `@raycastbot assign me` Assigns yourself to the issue.
- `@raycastbot good first issue` Adds the "Good first issue" label to the issue.
- `@raycastbot keep this issue open` Make sure the issue won't go stale and will be kept open by the bot.
As @mxstbr pointed out in his YouTube video, Raycast is not on iOS and so it's necessary to use "Text Replacements" (TR) there. Unlike Max, I never had many TR. I only have loads of Raycast Snippets; however, I don't have a quick way to add them to TR to help my iOS experience!
Who will benefit from this feature?
Anybody who wants to leverage their Raycast Snippet library on non MacOS devices.
Anything else?
No response