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[Image Modification] Commands with preview fail with "Something went wrong" #13891

Open gabriel-cloud opened 1 month ago

gabriel-cloud commented 1 month ago



Raycast Version


macOS Version

14.5 (23F79)



Error: Command failed with exit code 1: osascript
117:122: execution error: Can’t make «class fvtg» of window 1 of application "Finder" into type alias. (-1700)


35:         timedOut,
36:         command: "osascript",
37:         options,
38:         parentError: new Error(),
39:     })

### Steps To Reproduce

1. Toggle Raycast
2. Search for Create new image
3. Select any size
4. Select any pattern
5. ❌Something went wrong
<img width="862" alt="image" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/3836e3b4-bda2-4530-8632-359636354ffd">

### Current Behaviour

_No response_

### Expected Behaviour

_No response_
raycastbot commented 1 month ago

Thank you for opening this issue!

🔔 @SKaplanOfficial @arronhunt @nakaakist @JUSTIVE @patomos you might want to have a look.

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