Confetti no longer fires, just the sound plays. ::sadcat emoji::
Steps To Reproduce
I use an alias to launch the confetti extension. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but the issue persists. Confetti does not appear, regardless of which app is open.
💡 Author and Contributors commands
The author and contributors of `peduarte/1-click-confetti` can trigger bot actions by commenting:
- `@raycastbot close this issue` Closes the issue.
- `@raycastbot close as not planned` Closes the issue as not planned.
- `@raycastbot rename this issue to "Awesome new title"` Renames the issue.
- `@raycastbot reopen this issue` Reopens the issue.
- `@raycastbot assign me` Assigns yourself to the issue.
- `@raycastbot good first issue` Adds the "Good first issue" label to the issue.
- `@raycastbot keep this issue open` Make sure the issue won't go stale and will be kept open by the bot.
Raycast Version
macOS Version
Confetti no longer fires, just the sound plays. ::sadcat emoji::
Steps To Reproduce
I use an alias to launch the confetti extension. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but the issue persists. Confetti does not appear, regardless of which app is open.
Current Behaviour
No response
Expected Behaviour
No response