I often use the "Add to Playlist" command when listening to Apple Music autoplay. However, I frequently open Apple Music afterward to double-check that I haven't added the song twice to a playlist. Would it be possible to have the command check the playlist if the song is already there? A toggle can be added to the extensions' settings to add anyway or skip the operation when it detects the song already in the playlist.
🔔 @Rawnly @peterdev22 @danpalmer @octoxan @Shpigford @urwrstkn8mare you might want to have a look.
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I often use the "Add to Playlist" command when listening to Apple Music autoplay. However, I frequently open Apple Music afterward to double-check that I haven't added the song twice to a playlist. Would it be possible to have the command check the playlist if the song is already there? A toggle can be added to the extensions' settings to add anyway or skip the operation when it detects the song already in the playlist.
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