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Group Emails not updated upon update #4

Open raydenlim opened 10 months ago

raydenlim commented 10 months ago

After editing Alex Yeoh's email to alex1@u.nus.edu. While the Person List did update, the information on the Group List did not update properly.

Person List: image.png



This is perhaps due to a mis-reference in the person object in your group list.

The expected integrated test would be that the email will be updated, since its the Student's unique ID.

nus-pe-bot commented 10 months ago

Team's Response

We believe that this is a duplicate as once we fix issue #1406, this issue will be fixed too.


The 'Original' Bug

[The team marked this bug as a duplicate of the following bug]

Identical Person in Group


From my understanding, you guys check index using email. However, I was still able to add the same email into a group:


You can try replicating this bug by:

  1. editing the original AlexYeoh's email to something else
  2. Create a new person with alexyeoh's old email
  3. Join said person to the same tut group.

[original: nus-cs2103-AY2324S1/pe-interim#1167] [original labels: type.FeatureFlaw severity.Medium]

Their Response to the 'Original' Bug

[This is the team's response to the above 'original' bug]

It is a functionality bug as this bug should not be allowed, but it worked in his/her case. We labelled it a low severity as we believe that it is not common for users to do the action(what the tester tested) or change their email(we intended email changes in the case of typos, not for deliberate changes).

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue duplicate status

Team chose to mark this issue as a duplicate of another issue (as explained in the Team's response above)

Reason for disagreement: Similar to the other bugs the group has deemed as duplicated... image.png

From my understanding... Although the bugs may allude to the same issue of edit not properly updating a person, the fundamental logic of these bugs are not the same.

  1. Add (able to add identical person)
  2. Delete (unable to delete ghost person)
  3. Group Not Updating (Email not updated)

Hence, they are NOT duplicated issues.

Moreover, as the edited person in the group is a Set[Person] (see pic below)

Image of Group data fields:


Image of Person data fields:


The Set[Person] is mutable, while Person fields are immutable, given private final. The fix to these bugs regard mutable vs immutable objects.

## :question: Issue type Team chose [`type.FunctionalityBug`] Originally [`type.FeatureFlaw`] - [ ] I disagree **Reason for disagreement:** [replace this with your explanation]
## :question: Issue severity Team chose [`severity.Low`] Originally [`severity.Medium`] - [x] I disagree **Reason for disagreement:** This issue spreads far and wide. If a user does not know that the emails in the `Group` is NOT updated as he/she would have intuitively assumed, there will come a case where they email/reach out to the wrong person. Which is catastrophic. Imagine this scenario: Imagine trying to contact someone via email, while referring to the Group Panel, only to realize you got their old (wrong) email instead. This problem is further exacerbated by how your team chose to use `email` as the identifier of your students in the product. Having an old email floating around will cause a lot of confusion. Hence, following the CS2103T website guidelines: ![image.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raydenlim/pe/main/files/0ff98dc4-8f98-4238-9086-cb3279ed43fd.png) I still feel that a Medium severity is a reasonable assessment of this bug. Given the identification nature of email in your product.