raymondlouie / MiniMarS

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XgBoost error #33

Closed raymondlouie closed 1 year ago

raymondlouie commented 1 year ago

Error in order (fstat, decrasing=T): unimplemented type 'list' in 'ordervector1'

Claire: As I’ve already mentioned to Felix, there were some issues with the xgboost component of the FindClusterMarkers() function using the new dev version (v.0.1.3). This error message happened for both the Dataset 1 from the github page and my rhapsody dataset. For some reason It ran smoothly on the flow cytometry data set (only 18 proteins).

raymondlouie commented 1 year ago

The issue seems to be because the input to FindClusterMarkers were gene matrices. This caused the list of fstat to contain strange (empty I think) entries. This is now fixed.