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Should be possible to set reason for a <hangup/> command #53

Open benlangfeld opened 11 years ago

benlangfeld commented 11 years ago

SIP Reason header should be settable, probably indirectly via named reasons in the Rayo spec.

benlangfeld commented 11 years ago

We have a few options here:

  1. Borrow SIP cause codes
  2. Borrow ISDN (Q.850) cause codes
  3. Borrow from Jingle (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0166.html#def-reason).
  4. Make up our own enumerations and map them to SIP codes in implementations (informally document best-practice mappings) very much like we do for <reject/> etc. If we do this, what should the allowed values be?
bklang commented 11 years ago

I'm personally inclined to stick close to SIP. FreeSWITCH has a mapping of ISDN to SIP hangup causes: http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Hangup_causes

benlangfeld commented 11 years ago

If we stick close to SIP, should we migrate other cases where we do a loose mapping to also borrow from SIP (end events, etc)?

benlangfeld commented 11 years ago

Missing use case

emcgee commented 11 years ago

The granularity of the SIP cause codes seems preferable at this point, although I personally think the XMPP codes being more generic would allow for greater future extensibility.