razage / persistent-flannel

a website for tracking what games you've played and getting recommendations
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Make the login form not its own route #4

Closed razage closed 7 years ago

razage commented 7 years ago

Currently the login form renders a page and that page is used to login. I would prefer that the login form is in the navbar (either hidden or always present if you're not logged in) and submits its data to the login route.

razage commented 7 years ago

This obviously will require Javascript of some sort. I can use pure jQuery to achieve this, but I'll probably hold off until I get some kind of Javascript stack determined (Backbone, React, Require, etc).

I think it would be neat to have the login form slide out from either the top or side bar. On one of those bars, there will be a spot that will either be the login button (if you aren't logged in) or a profile button.