razeware / emitron-iOS

iOS version of emitron
Apache License 2.0
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Library: Pull to Refresh #489

Open luke-freeman opened 3 years ago

luke-freeman commented 3 years ago

Not really an issue but it would be nice to have some kind of pull to refresh

byaruhaf commented 2 years ago

Since the Pull-to-refresh UI/UX pattern is used to request a data update in most apps, wouldn't this be more useful for an app whose backend data is regularly updated?

0xTim commented 2 years ago

(It's also not easily possible with SwiftUI until iOS 15)

VegetarianZombie commented 2 years ago

@0xTim how do you feel about us adding support to this feature for iOS 15 and leaving as-is for iOS 14?

0xTim commented 2 years ago

@VegetarianZombie Yep agree since it's added natively on iOS 15 rather than trying to hack it in