razorpay / razorpay-flutter-customui

Razorpay Flutter Plugin for Customui
MIT License
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Exposed bank logo url and added to sample #38

Open Devenom1 opened 2 years ago

Devenom1 commented 2 years ago

Closes #35

Exposed getBankLogoUrl method to get bank logos for Netbanking

Also loaded the logos in the sample app. See image below.

Screenshot_2022-05-29-05-51-03-442_com razorpay flutter_customui_example

Renatinaveen commented 2 years ago

UPI apps logo is not provided. Will it be added?

Devenom1 commented 2 years ago

UPI apps logo is not provided. Will it be added?

Hey @Renatinaveen I am a normal end user of the Razorpay custom UI library. I should have requested Razorpay to provide this too. Unfortunately their currently library doesn't provide it.

Here's a work around I've done (for Android Apps only). I get the list of packages of UPI apps from Razorpay Custom UI SDK. Then I use this flutter library called device_apps to get the information offall the android apps on the device. And I cross reference them to get the icons.

Alternatively if you have a running server, you could create an API to get the app icon urls from play store and app store for the given app packages. The problem is you'd have to update the API every time play store or app store change their design.

Renatinaveen commented 2 years ago

@Devenom1 yes i currently I'm using another package called installed_apps. It resolved the issue.

I want to show only UPI and then for card, net banking, wallet i want the user to redirect to razorpay ui where user selects those options. Any idea how to achieve it? And the amount whatever i send it shows 1rs.

Devenom1 commented 2 years ago

@Renatinaveen That's nice. I have actually just started with. I've just made the designs and kept. I'm very close to making the actually payments part.

I want to show only UPI and then for card, net banking, wallet i want the user to redirect to razorpay ui where user selects those options. Any idea how to achieve it?

You mean you want to show the razorpay custom UI designed by you only for UPI apps and the standard razorpay sdk (in a webview for others). I haven't tried that yet. But on native android you cannot use the Razorpay Custom UI SDK and Razorpay Standard UI SDK together. Still gotta try that on Flutter.

About the amount showing Rs. 1 for any amount passed. I still have to try that. I'm a little busy with other office work at the moment. Will let you know as soon as I try it out.

Renatinaveen commented 2 years ago

@Devenom1 for amount of you want to collect 100 pass 10000. Both SDK we can't use i tried that.

Devenom1 commented 2 years ago

Yes. It's in Paise. I've used it in our Android Native app. I'm converting that same app to flutter. Halfway there. I'll try this and get back. Might take some time though because I'm caught up with some other work.