razorpay / razorpay-flutter-customui

Razorpay Flutter Plugin for Customui
MIT License
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Save card feature is not working in Test Mode. #74

Open rishabhunthinkable opened 3 weeks ago

rishabhunthinkable commented 3 weeks ago

I am trying to save card on the Razorpay and as per the documentation i am supposed to follow 2 major steps.

  1. Create customer on Razorpay.
  2. Pass save as "1" and customer_id which start with cust_.

After following these 2 steps the payment for the order gets successfully completed but the cards are not saved.

Card No: 4111 1111 1111 1111 CVV: 123 Exp. Date: 01/39 OTP: 1111 Card Network: Visa

Map<String,dynamic> params = { 'key': secreteKey, 'amount': amount, 'card[cvv]': cvv, 'card[expiry_month]': expMonth, 'card[expiry_year]': expYear, 'card[name]': cardName, 'card[number]': cardNumber, 'currency': currency, 'email': email, 'contact': contactNumber, 'description': desc, 'method': 'card', "order_id": orderId, 'customer_id':'cust_', 'save':'1' };


ankitgupta-unthinkable commented 3 weeks ago


ashutosh-gupta5426 commented 3 weeks ago
