Closed MohitSChauhan closed 4 years ago
@MohitSChauhan which Xcode version are you using? This version will only work on Xcode 10 and above
Hello @iThink32 i am facing same issue and i have xcode 10.2.1 and i checked that framework added in both place link binary library and also in embeded framworks.
i also enabled embed swift standad lib in build settings but still i am facing this error.
My code is written in objective c. Please help me i am stucked here and delayed on app launching.
Are you using razorpay pod?
@pronav no added manualy.
Which version of plugin are you using? You can confirm by checking Razorpay header file, which should contain mention of swift compiler (4.2 or 5)
@pronav Swift 4.2
Please download new version from here and replace old framework:
You can follow steps here:
@pronav Thanks man it's work you saved my day.
RazaorPay not launching dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib Referenced from: /Users/synoriq/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/685DBC43-14F0-45D4-895C-18271B65760F/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/D6534EB6-7F64-4C5A-AE0A-7FECB5415DD1/ Reason: image not found