razorpay / razorpay-node

Razorpay node.js bindings
MIT License
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Broken Promises Flow #19

Open rzpamidi opened 7 years ago

rzpamidi commented 7 years ago

Different behaviour has been noted with the promise returned, when a callback is passed to the api function.


const instance = new Razorpay({
  key_id: 'rzp_test_2mYdwI91aUdL2u',
  key_secret: 'hd0FgTKnZUUJCGYHTdfQ6Zx2'

  .then((arg) => console.log(arg)) // arg value is printed  
  .catch(arg => console.log(arg))

instance.payments.all({}, function () {
  console.log(arguments); // arguments are printed
}).then((arg) => console.log(arg)) // arg value is undefined 
  .catch(arg => console.log(arg))
selvagsz commented 7 years ago

IMO, a promise shouldn't be returned when a callback is passed

7ranveer commented 6 years ago

The callback function does not return a promise so it will never be resolved in .then() function. I think below code might work instance.payments.all({}, function () { console.log(arguments); // arguments are printed return new Promise( (resolve,reject)=>{ if(arguments){ resolve(arguments) }else{ reject("no arguments") } ) }).then((arg) => console.log(arg)) .catch(arg => console.log(arg))

rzpamidi commented 6 years ago

We shall give the same arguments that we passed to callback , to the then callback also, to make this behaviour consistent

selvagsz commented 6 years ago

Before promises, error-first callbacks are the only paradigm to propagate errors thru the async chain. Promises have a declarative approach of error-handling now. It may look weird to resolve a promise with errors as first param

rzpamidi commented 6 years ago

@selvagsz ,

It may look weird to resolve a promise with errors as first param

We will not do that

we support both error-first call back and promises right ? , let the behaviour be consistent that 1) If you pass a callback , it would get err , data as arguments 2) If you use Promise Chain , in case of error the promise is rejected else the promise is resolved.

The above points mentioned work well independently. Let 'em work well together also. Resolving with different arguments when callback is passed is not good.

selvagsz commented 6 years ago

[Question] Why would people do both ? Should we encourage that pattern of using both ?

imo, don't think that's good pattern; callbacks exists for legacy node code. Maybe we can check some other node api wrappers

rzpamidi commented 6 years ago

@selvagsz , node throws an error if we do not provide callback (eg. fs.readFile), which we can not enforce, also all our api's support both, i see no way than supporting both.

We can use the fix i mentioned for backwards compatibility , we can decide later to not return promise when callback is passed, and do Major version bump.

rzpamidi commented 6 years ago

Should we encourage that pattern of using both ?

I don't see any harm , it covers all kinds of users without much overhead , where as the current implementation is inconsistent.

captn3m0 commented 6 years ago

@rzpamidi Can we close this?

rzpamidi commented 6 years ago

@captn3m0 , need to implement the changes required. will close it after that