razorpay / razorpay-pod

:iphone: CocoaPod implementation of Razorpay's Payment SDK. Refer for instructions:
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1 Payment Failed - Unexpected Error #134

Open Jaydip2711 opened 2 years ago

Jaydip2711 commented 2 years ago

Pod version- 'razorpay-pod', '~> 1.1.1' Swift Version - 5.0


When try to proceed my payment payment faild error return, I mention error here also., in fact your GitHub project return same error.

Razorpay pod Version :

Pod version- 'razorpay-pod', '~> 1.1.1'

Xcode Version :

Xcode 12.4 Swift 5.0

What you did:

I Create request using below parameter. let options: [String:Any] = [ "amount": "100", //This is in currency subunits. 100 = 100 paise= INR 1. "currency": "INR",//We support more that 92 international currencies. "description": "purchase description", "order_id": "order_IE2aX8bNcX4bZR", "image": "https://url-to-image.png", "name": "business or product name", "prefill": [ "contact": "9797979797", "email": "foo@bar.com" ], "theme": [ "color": "#F37254" ] ]

    if let rzp = self.razorpayObj {
    } else {
        print("Unable to initialize")

What happened:

/Users/ramprasad.a/Documents/RamprasadA/project/razorpay-ios/RazorpayIOS/CheckoutOtpelf/Classes/RazorpayCheckout+JSBridge.swift:["Error : ", [:]] /Users/ramprasad.a/Documents/RamprasadA/project/razorpay-ios/RazorpayIOS/CheckoutOtpelf/Classes/InternalRazorpay.swift:["payment failed"] error: 1 Payment Failed - Unexpected Error /Users/ramprasad.a/Documents/RamprasadA/project/razorpay-ios/RazorpayIOS/CheckoutOtpelf/Classes/RazorpayCheckoutVC.swift deinitialized /Users/ramprasad.a/Documents/RamprasadA/project/razorpay-ios/RazorpayIOS/CheckoutOtpelf/Classes/RazorpayCheckoutWebView.swift:["/Users/ramprasad.a/Documents/RamprasadA/project/razorpay-ios/RazorpayIOS/CheckoutOtpelf/Classes/RazorpayCheckoutWebView.swift deinitialized"]

Code example, screenshot, or link to a repository:

Screenshot 2021-10-30 at 12 13 22 PM

PradeepMithna commented 2 years ago

Facing same issue, when i click on the failure button printing this kind of errors.....is it solved ??