Open shrenikr235 opened 2 months ago
@shrenikr235 please share site logs
@abdulwahidsharief are you referring to Wordpress logs / WooCommerce logs?
Additionally, Razorpay has informed me that for the payment ID we had a delayed response for: The webhook payload was sent immediately after the payment was authorised but the same was not consumed at my website's end and we received a non 2xx response from the server hence the same was retried till success response was received.
Can you help me make sense of what could cause this? Razorpay support seems to think it could be due to non-whitelisted Razorpay webhook IPs but if that were the case this would be the case for all orders, right? But I see this issue only with specific orders.
@shrenikr235 please send woocommerce logs (woocommerce->status->logs->razorpay-log). share all logs with respect to delayed orders from logs we can find how many webhook requests received for an order and can find if anything is breaking at your site
Authorize and Capture
is set with 2 active eventspayment.authorized
This is the flow a customer takes on our website:
gets created.rzp_webhook_notified_at
field is also set to1725630166
which is 7:12PM i.e about 2 mins post creation of the Razorpay order when we successfully received the payment on Razorpay.The issue:
2024-08-14T13:36:55+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Razorpay\Api\Errors\BadRequestError: Too many requests in /var/www/awesome-enterprise-new/vendor/razorpay/razorpay/src/Request.php:142 CONTEXT: {"error":{"type":1,"file":"\/var\/www\/awesome-enterprise-new\/vendor\/razorpay\/razorpay\/src\/Request.php","line":142},"backtrace":["","#0 \/var\/www\/awesome-enterprise-new\/vendor\/razorpay\/razorpay\/src\/Request.php(109): Razorpay\\Api\\Request->processError()","#1 \/var\/www\/awesome-enterprise-new\/vendor\/razorpay\/razorpay\/src\/Request.php(58): Razorpay\\Api\\Request->checkErrors()","#2 \/var\/www\/\/htdocs\/wp-content\/plugins\/woo-razorpay\/woo-razorpay.php(1420): Razorpay\\Api\\Request->request()","#3 \/var\/www\/\/htdocs\/wp-content\/plugins\/woo-razorpay\/woo-razorpay.php(1054): WC_Razorpay->generateOrderForm()","#4 \/var\/www\/\/htdocs\/wp-content\/plugins\/woo-razorpay\/woo-razorpay.php(857): WC_Razorpay->generate_razorpay_form()","#5 \/var\/www\/\/htdocs\/wp-includes\/class-wp-hook.php(324): WC_Razorpay->receipt_page()","#6 \/var\/www\/\/htdocs\/wp-includes\/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters()","#7 \/var\/www\/\/htdocs\/wp-includes\/plugin.php(517): WP_"]}