razorpay / react-native-razorpay

React Native wrapper for Razorpay's mobile SDKs
MIT License
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Unable to test netbanking payments in Android, always gets error "We are facing some trouble completing your request at the moment. Please try again shortly" #429

Open sandarshnaroju opened 1 year ago

sandarshnaroju commented 1 year ago


I am trying to integrate razorpay with cutomUI in Android. Upi payments works flawlessly with test key. But, I am unable to check test payments for subscribing to a plan with netbanking option. I always get

{"code": 5, "description": "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"SERVER_ERROR\",\"description\":\"We are facing some trouble completing your request at the moment. Please try again shortly.\",\"source\":\"NA\",\"step\":\"NA\",\"reason\":\"NA\",\"metadata\":{}},\"http_status_code\":500}"}

Razorpay Package Version :

"react-native-customui": "^2.2.2",

Xcode Version (iOS) :

Open Xcode > Go to About Xcode > copy the Xcode version here.

Razorpay-pod version (iOS) :

Go to your project path > Go to folder named ios > open 'podfile.lock' file > search for 'razorpay-pod' > copy the line here

Java and Gradle Version (android) :

Specify your Java and Gradle version.

What you did:

I am calling Razorpay.open like this

const razorpayOptions = {
      description: planData['description'],
      currency: planData['currency'],
      key_id: RAZORPAY_KEY,   // test key
      amount: planData['price'],
      email: planData['email'],
      contact: planData['phone'],
      method: 'netbanking',
      bank: data['code'],

      subscription_id: planData['sub_id'],


What happened:

in Razorpay.open catch I always get this error {"code": 5, "description": "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"SERVER_ERROR\",\"description\":\"We are facing some trouble completing your request at the moment. Please try again shortly.\",\"source\":\"NA\",\"step\":\"NA\",\"reason\":\"NA\",\"metadata\":{}},\"http_status_code\":500}"}

Steps To Reproduce

Provide a detailed list of steps that reproduce the issue.

1. 2.

Suggested solution:

Code example, screenshot, or link to a repository:

Please provide a link to a repository on GitHub, or provide a minimal code example that reproduces the problem. You may provide a screenshot of the application if you think it is relevant to your bug report. Here are some tips for providing a minimal example: https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve

shibichakkaravarthy commented 11 months ago

I'm also facing the same error here but for both platforms and for all payment methods. Please provide us some solution

dipmakV2 commented 5 months ago

I'm also facing the same error for all payment methods while using subscriptions link.

nileshp-07 commented 5 months ago

i also getting this error