rbCAS / CASino

CASino is a Ruby-based Single Sign-On solution supporting the CAS standard
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How to overwrite CASino::SessionsController #120

Closed trkrameshkumar closed 9 years ago

trkrameshkumar commented 9 years ago

Hi Guys,

I created casino server app from scratch ,and for authorization i am using this consul gem ( https://github.com/makandra/consul ) according to this gem all controllers need to be given permission or we can skip this authorization by adding skip_power_check either way i have to overwrite the CASino::SessionsController .

pencil commented 9 years ago

CASino has it's own session and user handling which is why we do not recommend integrating other gems that could interfere with that. What exactly is your use case? Maybe we can figure out an alternative way that better fits with CASino's architecture.

trkrameshkumar commented 9 years ago

Hi @pencil thanks for your reply, I am trying to integrate CASino gem in my existing rails application,which is using consul gem for authorization to implement role based access for users, this consul gem requires to set permission for all controllers , so when the casino trying to run its CASino::SessionsController the consul gem throws permission error.

Can you thing of any such scenario?

trkrameshkumar commented 9 years ago

Hey @pencil i fixed this problem by removing the initializr of consul gem for application controller and applied on whichever controller i want, and guess what now casino working as expected , anyway thanks for your quick response to my question.