rbCAS / CASino

CASino is a Ruby-based Single Sign-On solution supporting the CAS standard
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Is there a way to override the default route and controller action? #148

Closed allenzhao closed 8 years ago

allenzhao commented 8 years ago

I might want to add some different view after the user login and make the "/sessions" another path. Is there a way I can do that by not change files in the CASino gem? And can I modify the controller actions? Thanks a lot!

allenzhao commented 8 years ago

Seems route is a duplicate of #113 , but I think I need to let the user login then redirect to another controller. Is there a simple way to do that? Thanks a lot!

pencil commented 8 years ago

get '/sessions', to: redirect('https://www.google.com') in routes.rb before mounting the CASino engine should do the trick.

allenzhao commented 8 years ago

Thanks! That should work!