Right now to run the cfnc command either you need to install Golang and compile or install the compiled cfnc binary. Both of them might not be the right choice if you don't want to install and run it as a docker container.
In the scope of this story:
let's dockerize the cfnc as a executable container
publish it in the registry and update the CI
finally update the documentation
eg. outcome: the help command should work as below
docker run cfnc --help
Manage cloudformation stacks at scale. Design and deploy multiple cloudformation stacks either in sequence or in prallel using declarative configuration
cfnc [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
config Generate, validate and visualize the compose configuration
deploy Deploys the stacks based on the sequence specified in the compose configuration
destroy Destroys all the stacks in the reverse order of creation
help Help about any command
-c, --config string File path to compose file (default "cfn-compose.yml")
-d, --dry-run Run commands in dry run mode
-h, --help help for cfnc
-l, --loglevel string Specify Log Levels. Valid Levels are: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR (default "INFO")
-v, --version version for cfnc
Use "cfnc [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Summary Right now to run the cfnc command either you need to install
and compile or install the compiled cfnc binary. Both of them might not be the right choice if you don't want to install and run it as a docker container.In the scope of this story:
eg. outcome: the help command should work as below