rbaron / b-parasite

🌱💧 An open source DIY soil moisture sensor
1.85k stars 143 forks source link

Version 2.0.0 #117

Closed rbaron closed 1 year ago

rbaron commented 1 year ago

Almost in time to celebrate two years of b-parasite!



Adding new interfaces like USB, programming interface, solar panels. I would still very much like for the project to remain simple, cheap, compact, reliable & low maintenance once deployed.


3D Render

We now have the 3D models for all parts: bparasite_2 0 0

bparasite_2 0 0_zoom_top

PCB ...Art?

I used some of the underdeveloped PCB real estate for a little schematic/diagram with the working principle behind the capacitance moisture sensor. I think it looks kind of cool, but we always have the option to remove it. bparasite_2 0 0_zoom_drawing

Power profile

I power profiled the ble sample, and the results are as expected in line with the previous results:

During advertisement (default 30ms interval):

bparasite_v2 0 0_ble_active

During deep sleep

bparasite_v2 0 0_ble_idle

New input sample

Getting the details of debouncing and low power interrupts can be surprisingly tricky, so I created a new input sample to make debugging/testing/profiling button presses easier.

Some pics

b-parasite-2 0 0

b-parasite-2 0 0-diagram