BUSMASTER is an Open Source Software tool to simulate, analyze and test data bus systems such as CAN. BUSMASTER was conceptualized, designed and implemented by Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions (RBEI). Presently it is a joint project of RBEI and ETAS GmbH.
If I open Release\Busmaster.exe(3.2.2) to select driver CAN_PEAK_USB, busmaster works fine.
If I open Debug\Busmaster.exe(3.2.2) to select driver CAN_PEAK_USB, it throws "Debug Assertion Failed“ (wincore.cpp LINE: 288)
I tried to debug, but I couldn't find the root cause, I only find that the debug failure comes out after below sentence in MainFrm.cpp.
Hello, If I open Release\Busmaster.exe(3.2.2) to select driver CAN_PEAK_USB, busmaster works fine. If I open Debug\Busmaster.exe(3.2.2) to select driver CAN_PEAK_USB, it throws "Debug Assertion Failed“ (wincore.cpp LINE: 288) I tried to debug, but I couldn't find the root cause, I only find that the debug failure comes out after below sentence in MainFrm.cpp.
_if(S_FALSE == g_pouDIL_CAN_Interface->DILC_SetHardwareChannel(m_asControllerDetails,m_dwDriverId, false))_