Open aaronyhu opened 8 years ago
I get the same error to you
i chiose the version of caffe-0.999,and want complie it ,but some error in the complie process,my project platform is latest version caffe +ubuntu 14.04+matlab 2014a. when i run the demo of (the project of rbgirshick )DeepPyramid .i get the error of Error using caffe Unknown command 'init'.who can tell me the reson .tanks a lot
Build succeeded.
"/Users/harikrishna/FirebaseBinding/objc-automatic-master/bindings/GTMSessionFetcher.Core/GTMSessionFetcher.Core.csproj" (default target) (1) -> (_GenerateCompileInputs target) -> /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/4.8.1/lib/mono/msbuild/15.0/bin/Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(3105,5): warning MSB9004: ManifestResourceWithNoCulture item type is deprecated. Emit EmbeddedResource items instead, with metadata WithCulture='false', Type='Resx', and optional LogicalName. [/Users/harikrishna/FirebaseBinding/objc-automatic-master/bindings/GTMSessionFetcher.Core/GTMSessionFetcher.Core.csproj]
1 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:01.00 Attempting to build package from 'GTMSessionFetcher.Core.nuspec'. Successfully created package '/Users/harikrishna/FirebaseBinding/objc-automatic-master/bindings/GTMSessionFetcher.Core/DT.Xamarin.GTMSessionFetcher.Core.1.1.11.nupkg'. ~/FirebaseBinding/objc-automatic-master/bindings Unknown command: 'init' Build succes but getting Unknown command: 'init' in terminal can you give an suggestion
when i run the fast_rcnn_demo.m, there is an error: Error using caffe Unknown command 'init'
Error in fast_rcnn_load_net (line 11) init_key = caffe('init', def, net, 'test');
Error in fast_rcnn_demo (line 21) model = fast_rcnn_load_net(def, net, use_gpu);
does anyone know how to solve thisproblem?