Set Up (the right way this time)Step 1: in our terminal:'
yarn init -y
yarn add express
yarn add stripe
Step 2: still in our terminal:
touch .env
yarn add dotenv
Step 3: to the new .env file, add: STRIPE_SECRET_KEY= insert secret key url from stripeStep 4: back to our terminal:
yarn global add @sanity/cli
sanity init //This will prompt you to login into
Step 5: login in using Google
bk_midterm_sanity project
Step 6: back in the terminal:
cd bkmidtermsanity
sanity install
sanity start
Find sanity page: http://localhost:3333
It will prompt you to login, login using Google again
On the master branch (i.e. midterm_bk), run yarn start
Setting up a GraphQL API for sanity project:
cd into sanity project folder (i.e. bkmidtermsanity)
npx sanity graphql deploy
When prompted, click y for yes
Sanity login
Making Queries on GraphQL API:
The schemas tab on the right is used to help you find the “path”
I.e. Query from allCategory a list of all the names, and URLs for all of the primaryImages and carouselImages
Use Overflow: scroll in CSS to update the cart so that when new items are added to the cart, it doesn’t overflow and instead users can scroll up and down to see their items in the cart; contrary to setting a specific dimension
Basics and Refreshers
Set Up (the right way this time) Step 1: in our terminal:'
Step 2: still in our terminal:
Step 3: to the new .env file, add:
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY= insert secret key url from stripe
Step 4: back to our terminal:Step 5: login in using Google
Step 6: back in the terminal:
Find sanity page: http://localhost:3333 It will prompt you to login, login using Google again
On the master branch (i.e. midterm_bk), run
yarn start
Setting up a GraphQL API for sanity project:
When prompted, click y for yes Sanity login
Making Queries on GraphQL API: The schemas tab on the right is used to help you find the “path” I.e. Query from allCategory a list of all the names, and URLs for all of the primaryImages and carouselImages
i.e. Query a list of the names of every country in the world
The exclamation points mean that there will definitely be one or more continents in the array i.e.
Fetching with GraphQL
Overflow: scroll
in CSS to update the cart so that when new items are added to the cart, it doesn’t overflow and instead users can scroll up and down to see their items in the cart; contrary to setting a specific dimension