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Today I learned 7/31 #51

Open amatheus000 opened 4 years ago

amatheus000 commented 4 years ago

Resume data upload using JS form HTML and CSS

  1. We first uploaded all of out Resume's general information as objects in an array. following this format:

const data = { name: 'Alexis Matheus', mainEmoji:{ character: 'πŸ‘‹', ariaLabel: 'wave', },

  1. We followed the same format for work, educational experience, and skills. Note: For the bullet points in the worj and educational experiences we organized them as arrays within the object.

    workExperiences: [{ emoji: "πŸ”", jobTitle: "Operations Manager, R&D", institution: "Burger King Corporate", dates: "2019 - Present", // end with "present" for your current job details: [ "Worked with franchisees and above restaurant leaders on execution of market test products", "Assess restaurant complexity and develop strategies for restaurant simplification", "Collaborate cross-functionally with different departments in order to accomplish project" ]},

    1. We linked all of this arrays into the HTML to be shown in the DOM using the following commands:

const workExperienceContainer = document.querySelector('#work-experience'); const eachWorkExperienceHTML = data.workExperiences.map(renderWorkExperience); const allWorkExperiencesHTML = eachWorkExperienceHTML.join(''); workExperienceContainer.innerHTML = allWorkExperiencesHTML;

const renderEducationalExperience = educationalExperience => `

${educationalExperience.dates} ${educationalExperience.emoji} ${educationalExperience.university}, ${educationalExperience.school}
    ${educationalExperience.details .map(detail => `
  • ${detail}
  • `) .join('')}
`; **Guest Speaker: Pati** Pati explained us what is the type of work we would do as an APM. It gave me a very good understanding of the relationship I would have between the brands and the Franchisees. Also, how to adapt the Guests needs and transform it into functions within an app or software.