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W2D1 Today I Learned #63

Open paulapereira1 opened 4 years ago

paulapereira1 commented 4 years ago

Basic Commands & Refreshers

Creating a grid in JS using map, join, and the categories Pre-set up:

  1. Create an array with a function withconst functionname = [{}] i.e.
    const categories = [
    name: "chicken sandwich", 
    icon: "🍔",
    image: "https://cdn.sanity.io/images/czqk28jt/prod_plk_us/7304dfe16fc5c9b945b5450f0a208583a0acaa6c-8116x6612.jpg?w=750&fm=webp&q=40&fit=max"
  2. Rendering category and defining a parameter i.e.
    const renderCat = categories => `
    <section style="border: 2px solid;">
    <h2>${categories.name} ${categories.icon}</h2>
    <img src="${categories.image}" alt="${categories.name}" id="image"/>
    <a href="${categories.link}" id="link"></a>

    Step 1: Select the main element

    const main = document.querySelector("main") // connects you to main tag on HTML

    Step 2:Use map and join to transform the categories array into a single string of HTML that represents one card for each category

    const eachCatHTML = categories.map(renderCat)
    const allCatHTML = eachCatHTML.join("")

    Step 3: Insert that HTML into the main element

    main.innerHTML = allCatHTML

    Reference: https://repl.it/@ppereira1/MiniPopeyesMenu#script.js

Popeyes Menu Website (weekend Project)

CSS for Nav (where I had the hardest time -- reference step-by-step by Shaila)

  1. Body: Start with setting up a background color within the body, as well as defining the font-family that will be used across the page. Also add margin:0 so that it defaults to the full page length i.e.

    Body {
    background-color: white;
    Font-family: “chicken-sandwich”;
    Margin: 0;
  2. Nav: Set background color. Use display flex to make elements display in a row (instead of a column by default). Use justify-content to add spacing between elements and align-items to align the elements horizontally. Use position: fixed so that it remains locked over the page as you scroll. Add z-index in order to layer elements over each other. Overflow scroll will allow your page to be responsive with scrolling it to the side when the screen is smaller. i.e.

    Nav {
    Background-color: white;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
    align-items: center;
    position: fixed;
    padding: 18px 40px;
    z-index: 1;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    left: 0;
    max-width: 100%;
    overflow: auto;
  3. Nav Elements: To target elements within the nav (i.e. links with a tags) use nav a{}. Use text-decoration to remove the underline that defaults with links. Adjust color and font size. Use :hover to define action when someone hovers over the links (i.e. change color). i.e.

nav a{
text-decoration: none;
color: black;
Font-size: 1.5rem;
Padding-right: 1.5rem;
nav a:hover{
color: grey 
  1. Nav Elements: Give the Popeyes logo a class so that it can be targeted specifically. Set a proportion using width so that you can just set (this is only true because the logo is wrapped but an a tag). i.e.

    .popeyeslogo {
    Width: 100%;
  2. Nav Elements: To adjust buttons first define a class for the buttons. Use a div to wrap the button elements and arrange them horizontally instead of vertically, align and add padding i.e.

    Display: flex;
    Align-items: center;
    Padding: 5 px;

Override native button display i.e. make it look less like an old-school button and customize the style

Background-color: orange;
color: white;
border: none;
Padding: 0.5rem 2rem; // first number defines top and bottom, second number defines left and right
Border-radius: 1 rem;
Text-transform: uppercase;
Letter-spacing: 0.5px;
Cursor: pointer;

.Json .Json is a universally accepted standard to transmit code to the internet (any language can speak back and forth using Jason) Important considerations when using .json