rbialon / flake8-annotations

Flake8 Problem Matcher / Annotations for Github Checks
MIT License
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Flake8 plugins custom errors are not supported #6

Open Cjkjvfnby opened 4 years ago

Cjkjvfnby commented 4 years ago

I use flake8 plugins and they produce output that is not parsed by actions.

Thye use own letters for messages D : flake8-docstrings==1.5.0 I: flake8-import-order==0.18.1 B: flake8-bandit==2.1.2

Here is an example:

foo.py:36:1: D400 First line should end with a period
foo:119:1: I100 Import statements are in the wrong order ...

I would like them to be annotated too.

I will just put some idea, I don't know if they are implementable:

The alternative solution is to write a new plugin for flake8 that will change the output. Like a plugin for TeamCity CI.

My use case is not very common, so won't fix is an option too.

Cjkjvfnby commented 4 years ago

I end up with a simple solution via flake8 --format argument. Any reported item is a blocker in my case.

- name: Lint with flake8
        run: |
          flake8 default/python --count --format="::error file=%(path)s,line=%(row)d,col=%(col)d::%(path)s:%(row)d:%(col)d: %(code)s %(text)s" --config=default/python/tox.ini

PS. I tried to use working-directory: default/python an flake8 . --format="::error file=default/python/%(path)s, but github error does not set comment with paths like default/python/./file.py. The plugin does not catch such cases as well.

rbialon commented 4 years ago

Thank your for your suggestions!

The annotations are generated by Githubs own annotator. Searching for warnings/errors is configured via regex in a static configuration file for the problemMatcher. It would very well be possible to include further annotations generated by flake8 plugins. The regex for warnings is "^([^:]+):(\\d+):(\\d+):\\s+([CFNW]\\d+\\s+.+)$" right now. C, F, N and W are valid prefixes for warnings recognized for annotations. This can be extended for additional prefixes, or simply defined as a negation of error prefixes (only E right now, so [^E]).

If it's fine to classify additional plugins output as warnings only, I would prefer the second option, otherwise plugin outputs have to be categorized in warning and error level each. But it's definitely doable.

Cjkjvfnby commented 4 years ago

Some plugins use long prefixes, for example, ANN001 in https://pypi.org/project/flake8-annotations/

Cjkjvfnby commented 4 years ago

If it's fine to classify additional plugins output as warnings only

In the CI context, I prefer to treat anything reported by flake8 as errors. If something is reported it should be fixed, suppressed, or disabled. It does not matter for me which annotation will highlight these errors.

philosofool commented 3 years ago

Thank your for your suggestions!

The annotations are generated by Githubs own annotator. Searching for warnings/errors is configured via regex in a static configuration file for the problemMatcher. It would very well be possible to include further annotations generated by flake8 plugins. The regex for warnings is "^([^:]+):(\\d+):(\\d+):\\s+([CFNW]\\d+\\s+.+)$" right now. C, F, N and W are valid prefixes for warnings recognized for annotations. This can be extended for additional prefixes, or simply defined as a negation of error prefixes (only E right now, so [^E]).

If it's fine to classify additional plugins output as warnings only, I would prefer the second option, otherwise plugin outputs have to be categorized in warning and error level each. But it's definitely doable.

I tried coping the two problem-matcher.json files to my local .github and editing to include 'D' in the warning regex to add docstring violations to the annotations, but it does not appear to have worked. I'm a new two github actions---it there something else I have to reference to change this functionality?

philosofool commented 3 years ago

Thank your for your suggestions! The annotations are generated by Githubs own annotator. Searching for warnings/errors is configured via regex in a static configuration file for the problemMatcher. It would very well be possible to include further annotations generated by flake8 plugins. The regex for warnings is "^([^:]+):(\\d+):(\\d+):\\s+([CFNW]\\d+\\s+.+)$" right now. C, F, N and W are valid prefixes for warnings recognized for annotations. This can be extended for additional prefixes, or simply defined as a negation of error prefixes (only E right now, so [^E]). If it's fine to classify additional plugins output as warnings only, I would prefer the second option, otherwise plugin outputs have to be categorized in warning and error level each. But it's definitely doable.

I tried coping the two problem-matcher.json files to my local .github and editing to include 'D' in the warning regex to add docstring violations to the annotations, but it does not appear to have worked. I'm a new two github actions---it there something else I have to reference to change this functionality?

If figured out that if I add to my workflow

run: |
  echo "::add-matcher::.github/flake8-error-problem-matcher.json"
  echo "::add-matcher::.github/flake8-warning-problem-matcher.json"

and those files are in my .github directory, it runs correctly. The files can then be edited.