rbin / stevebuselfie

SendGrid's Inbound Parse API, Ruby on Rails and Fabric.js sample app
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selfie is spelled with an ie #1

Closed nquinlan closed 10 years ago

nquinlan commented 10 years ago

this is a major issue and should be fixed

nquinlan commented 10 years ago

Here's a selfie of me being upset about this.

image upload on 2014-02-12 at 20-12-19

rbin commented 10 years ago

I can't as Rails does this weird things with Pluralisation and it doesn't understand selfies. So it has to be Selfy so Rails pluralises it to Selfies correctly.

nquinlan commented 10 years ago


rbin commented 10 years ago

^ this

rbin commented 10 years ago

Nice selfie though xox